RESEARCH WORK AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Building Energy Efficiency Program University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA By: Dr. D. Charlie Curcija
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts WHY ARE WE DOING THIS RESEARCH? n Expanded knowledge about the physics and performance of fenestration systems n Development of algorithms and methodologies that can be incorporated in computer programs n Computer programs are needed by manufacturers to design better products n Computer programs are needed to rate products n Dedicated computer programs are the best way to transfer complex knowledge into user friendly and affordable tools that can be used by non-experts
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts HOW THESE RESEARCH AREAS HELP? n Improve accuracy of U-factor calculations n Improve accuracy of SHGC calculations n Improve condensation resistance prediction n Allow better integration of fenestration models with whole building models n Provide foundation for the development of future models for emerging technologies and complex fenestration n Ensure consistent and fair rating procedure
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts CONVECTIVE HEAT TRANSFER IN GLAZING CAVITIES n Vertical glazing cavities – standard gap width n Vertical glazing cavities – wide gap n Sloped glazing cavities – standard gap n Sloped glazing cavities – wide gap n 2-D and 3-D modeling n Average and local heat transfer
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts GLAZING CAVITIES GEOMETRY AND BOUNDARY CONDITIONS
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts RANGE OF PERFORMANCE FOR GLAZING CAVITIES,
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts VERTICAL AND SLOPED 2-D CAVITIES n Angle of Inclination From 0 to 90 Deg.
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts TEMPERATURE CONTOURS AT MID-X PLANE FOR A=40, Ra=9,650 00 15 45 80 90
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts STREAMFUNCTION MOVIE CLIP – HORIZONTAL GLAZING CAVITY (0º)
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts GOALS OF RESEARCH IN ADVANCED CONVECTIVE HEAT TRANSFER IN IGU n Better understanding of physics of natural convection heat transfer in glazing cavities (i.e., high aspect ratio, low Ra) n Investigation of optimal meshes and turbulence models n Development of recommended flow regimes n Development of heat transfer correlations n Transition to future research (i.e., shading devices and other complex fenestration systems)
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts NATURAL CONVECTION HEAT TRANSFER ON THE WARM BOUNDARY n Simulation of natural convection flow in idealized conditions n Simulation of natural convection flow under realistic conditions n Modeling of testing apparatus conditions
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts HEAT TRANSFER RESULTS FOR BACKWARD FACING STEP
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts VIRTUAL THERMAL TESTING FACILITY (ViTTeF) CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts NUMERICAL MESH OF THE TWO INDEPENDENT COMPONENTS
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts TURBULENCE VISCOSITY AND VELOCITIES DISTRIBUTION IN A CHANMBER
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts GOALS OF CONVECTION HEAT TRANSFER ON FENESTRATION BOUND. RESEARCH n Better understanding of physics of natural convection heat transfer over fenestration surfaces n Better understanding of testing apparatus heat transfer n Investigation of optimal meshes for this type of flow n Developments of correlations for use in fenestration software n Recommendations for future hot box designs
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts 3-D HEAT TRANSFER EFFECTS RESEARCH n Effective development of 3-D geometries n Investigation of optimum 3-D meshes n Development of full 3-D models for major window types, materials, glazing configurations, spacers, etc. n Presentation of results in a form suitable for development of correlations and algorithms
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts 3-D GEOMETRY OF THE WINDOW
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts 3-D MESH OF THE WOOD WINDOW
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts 3-D HEAT FLUX & TEMPERATURE FIELD Heat FluxTemperature
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts HEAT TRANSFER RESULTS EXTRACTION
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts GOALS OF 3-D HEAT TRANSFER EFFECTS RESEARCH n Better understanding of heat transfer in window corners and other areas currently not considered n Development of future 3-D models and algorithms n New fenestration technologies that need 3-D models (i.e., evacuated glazing, complex fenestration, etc.) n Connection to research of interface between wall and window
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts IMPROVEMENTS IN TESTING TECHNOLOGY n Active participation in appropriate ASTM committees and development/update of standards n Involvement in research level testing n Coordination between other research labs that do testing (i.e., LBNL, ORNL) n Coordination with International group involved in research level testing n Development of updated testing designs n Modifications in computer models for better interface to testing
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts UNIVERSAL HOT BOX n Development of Design For the Next Generation of Thermal Measurement Facility
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts COMPUTER MODELING OF HOT BOX CONFIGURATIONS
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts GOALS OF RESEARCH IN TESTING TECHNOLOGY n Better research level testing facilities lead to the development of better commercial facilities n Increased confidence in validating computer models n Development of harmonized testing standards n Lead to increased use of computer simulation, providing more cost effective rating solutions
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts COMMERCIAL FENESTRATION SYSTEMS n Analysis of energy performance of typical commercial buildings n Investigation of effects of changes in fenestration system performance on overall building energy performance (i.e., sensitivity study) n Development of modeling methodology specific to non-residential products n Update of NFRC standards (100 and 200) with new methodology n Validation of models for non-res systems
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts ANALYSIS OF ENERGY PERF. OF A TYPICAL NON-RES BUILDING
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts EQUEST (DOE2) MODEL
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts TOTAL ENERGY USE
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts SUPPORT FOR NFRC n Development of new and more accurate algorithms and methodologies for use in rating systems n Participation on committees n Development of standards and reference documents –100, 101, 102, 500, 500-UG, Glossary, etc. n NFRC’s international activities n Miscellaneous technical support
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts SUPPORT FOR ASHRAE n Chairing Handbook of Fundamentals subcommittee n Development of handbook materials n Membership on committees n Research coordination n Symposia, seminar and forum chairing n Standards development –SPC142, SSPC 90.1, SSPC 90.2
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts SUPPORT FOR ASTM n Membership on C16 and E6 n Chairing condensation resistance standard task group n Active on fenestration related standard committees n ISO coordination
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES n INTERNATIONAL: TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO TRANSITIONAL ECONOMY COUNTRIES (TATEC) n INTERNATIONAL: TECHNICAL COLLABORATION –IEA Task 27 –IEA Task 30 –International round-robins n INTERNATIONAL: STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT –ISO TC 163/WG2: ISO 15099, , –ISO TC 163/WG14: ISO 8990, , n Universal certification
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts TATEC n Assistance in updating testing and simulation standards n Translation of key documents n Workshops and seminars n Scientific collaboration n Assistance in upgrading testing equipment n Visiting scientists n Help improve efficiency of fenestration products for reduction in energy use and pollution reduction
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts TRAINING AND SEMINARS n International and Domestic Training Workshops and Seminars
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts IEA TASK 27 n Important international collaborative task in fenestration technology n Not well supported from US side n Leverage research dollars with other countries n Peer review of our and others scientific results n Keeping informed about major research accomplishments in other countries n Visit important scientific facilities n C. Curcija subtask A1 co-leader
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts ISO TC 163 n Important for harmonization efforts n Additional scientific exchange and peer review n Ties into TATEC efforts by involving TATEC scientists in ISO efforts and keeping them up to date n Visit research facilities and centers n Universal certification support
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts WHY INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION? n Leveraging national dollars with resources from other developed countries n Exchange of ideas and transfer of technology that was developed by other countries n Reduction of trade barriers by developing harmonized standards and certification procedures n Assistance to developing countries to reduce the pollution and green house emissions n Generating international friends with good faith effort instead of generating terrorists with arrogance
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts MAJOR ACCOMPLISHEMENTS TO DATE n Developed first generation CR models n Second generation of CR models near completion n Developed computer models of IR and hot-box facil. n New set of improved convection boundary conditions being completed n Developed concept of ViTTeF n New generation of thermal testing facility designed n Developed effective 3-D fenestration models n Algorithms for 3-D effects being completed.
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts MAJOR ACCOMPLISHEMENTS TO DATE – Cont. n Completed landmark fenestration standards n Accomplished harmonization of several standards n Developed concept of universal harmonization n Maintain active international collaboration and exchange of methods and computer tools n Increased acceptance of US standards and computer tools abroad n Set the foundation for the future scientific work
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts FUTURE AREAS OF RESEARCH n Why do we need further research? n Why are we even asked this question? Isn’t it kind of obvious? n In the past 20 years of increased spending in fenestration research, we have accomplished significant improvement in energy efficiency n In order to accomplish ambitious goals of smart buildings and zero energy buildings by 2025: –Need new technologies –Need improved tools to evaluate these methodologies
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts FUTURE AREAS OF RESEARCH – Cont. –Windows are part of building, not isolated – need to model integrated performance –Increased complexity will require much better methodologies and tools –Improvements in computer modeling and computer technology will require major revamp of computer tools –Need to develop integrated tools for whole building performance with fenestration being integral part n In the past couple of years several written contributions substantiating the need for more
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at University of Massachusetts FUTURE AREAS OF RESEARCH – Cont. n Umass proposed contribution: –Convective model of complex fenestration systems, both inside the glazing cavity and on indoor/outdoor surfaces –Modeling evacuated glazing and fenestration products incorporating such glazing –Development of transient (dynamic) models for dynamic systems (i.e., electrochromics, phase change, etc.) –Extension of SHG to 2-D and 3-D –Integrated window-wall performance –Integration into the whole building energy analysis