E-Infrastructure hierarchy Networking and Computational facilities in Armenia ASNET AM Network Armenian National Grid Initiative Armenian ATLAS site (AM-04-YERPHI)


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Presentation transcript:

E-Infrastructure hierarchy Networking and Computational facilities in Armenia ASNET AM Network Armenian National Grid Initiative Armenian ATLAS site (AM-04-YERPHI) History (Background) Site information Monitoring and job statistics Conclusion and Issues

ATLAS ALICE AM-04-YERPHI INFN-BOLOGNA-T3 INFN-GENOVA UTD-HEP E-Infrastructure hierarchy provides fast interconnection and advanced services provides a distributed environment for sharing computing power, storage instruments and databases through middleware

E-Infrastructure hierarchy Networking and Computational facilities in Armenia ASNET AM Network Armenian National Grid Initiative Armenian ATLAS site (AM-04-YERPHI) History (Background) Site information Monitoring and job statistics Conclusion and Issues

Started to develop and realize since 1994 by the Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems (IIAP NAS RA). ASNET-AM serves as the foundation for advanced computing applications in Armenia. Links up academic, scientific, research and educational organizations. Provides advanced network services for 60 organizations in the major cities of Armenia, such as Yerevan, Ashtarak, Byurakan, Abovian, Gyumri. Connection for ASNET-AM is provided by GEANT and by the channel rented from the local telecom companies (Arminco, ADC). ASNET AM Network

ASNET AM Topology

Agreement of Establishment of Armenian Grid Joint Research Unit was signed in September 2007 Main goals: To establish Armenian Infrastructure presence in international Grid infrastructures To provide operations and security services To promote the uptake of Grid technologies in Armenia, the interconnection of existing and future resources, and the deployment of new applications To support researching Grid and Global Computing Armenian National Grid Initiative

Computational Resources Topology OrganizationCores IIAP NAS RA 176 Yerevan State University 176 State Engineering University 48 IRPHE NAS RA 48 AANL 48 Total 496 Armenian National Grid Initiative

Core Services wms.grid.am lfc.grid.am bdii.grid.am voms.grid.am ce.iiap- cluster.grid.am se.iiap- cluster.grid.am ce.irphe- cluster.grid.am se.irphe- cluster.grid.am ce.yerphi- cluster.grid.am se.yerphi- cluster.grid.am ce.ysu- cluster.grid.am se.ysu- cluster.grid.am ce.ysu- cluster2.grid.am se.ysu- cluster2.grid.am ce.seua- cluster.grid.am se.ysu2- cluster.grid.am Access point Core Services Armenian National Grid Initiative

E-Infrastructure hierarchy Networking and Computational facilities in Armenia ASNET AM Network Armenian National Grid Initiative Armenian ATLAS site (AM-04-YERPHI) History (Background) Site information Monitoring and job statistics Conclusion and Issues

WLCG ATLAS Site Deployment in AANL 2007 – the AANL site has been certified as “production site” of WLCG due to low quality of network connection( small bandwidth and frequent outages) site was put in suspended mode 2008 – Developing of a national Grid infrastructure-ArmGrid ArmGrid project is funded by Armenian government and International funding organizations (ISTC, FP7) 2009 – The "Black Sea Interconnection" was activated to link the Academic and Research Networks of South Caucasian countries (Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan) to the European Geant-2 network.This opens up new possibilities for ATLAS collaborators at AANL 2010 – First ATLAS-SouthCaucasus Software/Computing Workshop & Tutorial. It fosters to establish contacts between ATLAS collaborators and computing people in South Caucasian countries. Workshop helps to better understand ADC requirements and configuration principles 2011 – September: ATLAS Computing visit to the AANL discussions between representatives of the ADC and AANL were very useful in order to make progress on the establishment of AM-04-YERPHI as a ATLAS grid center. – October 20-th : Site status as ATLAS GRID site was approved by ICB History (Background)

Site information o Computational resources o Model: Dell PE1950 III Additional Quad-Core Xeon o CPU: 6 nodes x 2 cpus per node X 4 cors per cpus= 48 cors o HDD:160 GB o RAM: 8 GB o For local analysis o CPU: 6 nodes x 2 cpus per node x 2 cors per cpus= 24 o Storage Capacity o 50TB o Site Core Services o MAUI/Torque PBS o SRM v1, v2 o Supported VOs: o ATLAS o ALICE o ArmGrid

Site Information Name o AM-04-YERPHI Functionality o Grid Analysis (brokeroff), low priority production and local analysis o Tier3gs Cloud association o NL cloud Regional support o JINR Voms group o atlas/am Technical support o 2 sys admins (shared: 0.3 FTE)

DPM 10TB (nfs) o ATLASSCRATCHDISK 2T o ATLASLOCALGROUPDISK 7.00T o ATLASPRODDISK G ATLAS VO Support Frontier/ Squid cluster xrootd cluster Site information

Running Jobs Commissioning Upgrade to sl6, EMI2 Monitoring and job statistics Network Hardware components replacement work

Job Failure by Category and Exit Code Monitoring and job statistics maui and queue conf. should be optimized communication problem sw application, cvmfs (communication) problem

Efficiency and Wall Clock Consumption Monitoring and job statistics Good efficiency of testing and MC production jobs

Data Transfers SRM errors. Transfer failure for big files. Succeeded after big number of attempts 1G files transferring finished successfully. Problems with bigger file transferring

E-Infrastructure hierarchy Networking and Computational facilities in Armenia ASNET AM Network Armenian National Grid Initiative Armenian ATLAS site (AM-04-YERPHI) History (Background) Site information Monitoring and job statistics Conclusion and issues

AM-04-YERPHI site is operational now.  As site administrators become more experienced, problems are resolved faster. Conclusion and issues AM-04-YERPHI

Conclusion and issues  Continuous monitoring of the infrastructure by the system administrators ensures early error detection. Diagnostics help to identify problems.  Many configuration problems had been fixed during commissioning, maintenance, but the job scheduling configuration could still be improved. Ensuring a reliable network is critical. Issues which still need addressing include Reliable connectivity and rapid transport of data being used in the grid environment Related work focused on strengthening fault-tolerance.