München, 04./05. Juni „Lernraum Europa verwirklichen“ „Realizing the European Learning Area“ „Réaliser l`Espace Educatif Européen“ Recognizing and accrediting unskilled work experience in the Norwegian higher education system. Conclusions from the Refine project Grethe Haugøy, Norway
München, 04./05. Juni What is Refine? An international project with partners from 12 countries, supported by EU’s Joint Action program REFINE = REcognition of Formal, Informal and Non-formal Education The Norwegian sub-project was partly supported by the Ministry of Education. Project partner: Frank Moe, U of Bergen. Project period: April 2004-Jan 2005
München, 04./05. Juni Objectives Overall (international) aim: to look more closely at the possibility of identifying and recognizing informal learning and to assess various European tools and methods The main objective of the Norwegian sub-project was to –investigate the practice of granting exemption(s) from a study program or degree in higher education based on documented non-formal and informal learning. –test tools available for documenting prior non-formal and informal learning, as well as work experience. Another main objective was to provide a basis for discussing exemption in higher education, as well as investigating the demands a candidate wishing exemption will meet and how these demands may be met.
München, 04./05. Juni The Norwegian landscape The competence (LLL) reform (1999) –Introducing a national system of recognizing and validating informal and non-formal learning in relation to the labor market and the education sector –Admission to HE studies based on prior learning for students older than 25 The Quality Reform –Introducing bachelor and master degrees –Introducing ECTS/alphabet grading system –Other structural developments
München, 04./05. Juni Act on universities and colleges Admission: The University Law states that higher education institutions in Norway must accept competence equivalent to the general secondary school diploma when admitting students of 25 years or older. =Admission on the basis of prior non-formal, informal and formal learning Exemption: Non-formal and informal learning may also form a basis for granting exemption from a study program or degree, but the law is vague with regard to the degree and volume of such exemption.
München, 04./05. Juni Project activities/method 1. Interviews with a selection of HE-institutions to discuss exemption practices and views: University of Bergen Norwegian Academy of Music Nesna College Narvik College Bodø college BI (school of economics and management) 2. Case studies of 10 candidates with extensive relevant work experience, who applied for exemption from the HE-institutions above
München, 04./05. Juni Examples of candidates Applicant A has worked as a primary school teacher for 30 years. She has no formal teacher training except from a range of courses offered by her employer. Her work experience covers all aspects of teaching, including being responsible for pupils with special needs. She seeks exemption from the teacher training study of a local college, mainly the training modules. Applicant B is a Treasury Associate in a petro-geological firm. She has 60 study points from BI School of Economics and extensive work experience within finance. She seeks exemption from finance modules in BI’s bachelor program.
München, 04./05. Juni Main findings None of the institutions had a recognized procedure for the assessment of exemption candidates, and consequently dealt with the case candidates in an ad hoc manner. Due to the lack of national or even local procedures, the institutions had different views and conclusions about the nature of exemption. Exemption from training was revealed as a particularly difficult issue. There are no existing tools that are specifically developed for exemption purposes in higher education. The existing tools are developed for secondary school level.
München, 04./05. Juni Challenges Lack of common procedures –Each HE-institution handles exemption applications locally –All HE-institutions participate in a national council where admission based on prior learning is discussed – but exemption has so far not been on the agenda
München, 04./05. Juni Challenges Which study areas may be exempted based on prior learning? –There are different attitudes regarding whether obligatory modules may be exempted –Electives and modules without study points are the easiest in which to achieve exemption –In general, training may not be exempted, because supervised training is regarded as of a higher quality than work experience –Curriculum demands also curb the chance of achieving exemption from training modules
München, 04./05. Juni Challenges Lack of documentation tools adapted to HE- institutions’ needs –The Refine project demonstrated that existing tools are inadequate when it comes to documenting informal and non-formal prior learning in order to achieve exemption from higher education. –The institutions communicated that they need a documentation tool that to a larger extent documents skills and competences that are specifically related to the field of study from which the candidates ask exemption.
München, 04./05. Juni Challenges Lack of information about the right to exemption. Only 123 people applied for exemption based on prior learning in In contrast, students applied for admission based on prior learning every year in the same period. –Hardly any HE-institution had information about exemption on their homepages or in their written information –The national admission system carried until recently no such information –There are no national actors who take responsibility for the information process in this matter
München, 04./05. Juni Other research NIFU Step (2005) –Interviewed all instituitons of higher learning in Norway about exemption based on prior learning – : only 123 applications were received. 88 achieved exemption, 39 of these in areas without study points. 39 applicants received exemption from 5-36 study points.