NATURE OF WORK 1.Lesson planning 2.Presenting materials 3.Evaluate students progress 4.Cooperation with colleagues, administration, custodial and secretarial staff. 5.Use and continue to be educated in technology and instructional teaching practices.
EDUCATION AND TRAINING 1.Successful Student- teaching experience upon college graduation. 2.Bachelor’s Degree in Education. 3.Successfully complete National Teacher’s Exam post-graduate credits upon first six years of teaching. 5.Continuing education of 180 hours every five years.
OTHER QUALIFICATIONS 1.Knowledgeable in subject/content area. 2.Communicate with, build trust and confidence in students. 3.Motivate students according to his/her personality. 4.Use multiple teaching strategies upon the situation 5.Be organized, efficient, dependable and creative.
JOB OUTLOOK/FUTURE PROSPECTS 1.Employment is expected to grow 13% by This is especially the case in Math and Science at the secondary level. 3.Higher demand will be in inner- cities and border towns in Southern U.S.. 4.Bilingual education will have a higher demand, especially for Spanish speaking individuals. 5.Federal, state and local government budgets may dictate the supply of teachers needed.
POTENTIAL EARNINGS 1.AVERAGE STARTING SALARY: $32,000 2.MEDIAN SALARIES: $47,000-$52,000 3.TOP 10%: $75,000- $80,000 4.Salaries are primarily dependent upon location and years of experience.
RELATED OCCUPATIONS 1.Guidance Counselors 2.Administrators (Principals, Curriculum Instruction, Technology Coach) 3.Social Work 4.Librarian
NATURE OF WORK 1.Assigned an occupational enlistment career. 2.Mental, physical and educational training for assigned enlistment. 3.Working with and cooperating with members of a team. 4.Fundamental operations in combat and national defense. 5.Willing to possibly die for the freedom of one’s country.
EDUCATION AND TRAINING 1.High School diploma or GED. 2.Officers usually require a bachelor’s degree. 3.Most training is hands-on: “basic” or boot camp is the beginning. 4.Based upon branch of military and occupational specialty. 5.Many are given opportunity to work on college degree while in military.
OTHER QUALIFICATIONS 1.Must be 17 years of age to enlist. 2.Must sign an enlistment contract of up to 8 years. 3.Must be a U.S. citizen. 4.Must have qualifying score on ASVAB Exams (military) 5.Must be in good physical condition.
JOB OUTLOOK/PROSPECTS 1.Approximately 185,000 new recruits are needed annually. 2.May increase if U.S. is involved in major conflicts globally. 3.Overall economic recessions will increase demand for a military job. 4.Newer technological advances will require more “tech-savvy” recruits which might lead to higher salaries. 5.A major conflict could reinstitute the Draft. This hasn’t been done since 1973.
POTENTIAL EARNINGS 1.Based upon Military Grade and ranking. 2.E-1 ranking (new enlistment) on average makes $ per month. 3.W-4 (warrant officer): 20 years experience could earn $ per month. 4.O-8: (Commissioned officer): 20 years of experience could earn $12, per month. 5.Free access to Fringe Benefits (health care, dental, vacation days, retirement package, etc.)
RELATED OCCUPATIONS 1.Military jobs offer training for various job markets in the world. 2.Police and criminal justice 3.Computers and technology 4.Medical fields 5.Having military experience will help get interviews for jobs.