University of Strathclyde Faculty of Education A long history in the field of teacher education (Early Years, Primary and Secondary) and the graduate training of professionals in the arts (art, music and drama), community education, community arts, counselling, national centre for autism studies, physical education, sport and outdoor education, social work and speech and language therapy.
University of Strathclyde Faculty of Education 2 More students train at the Faculty to be teachers than anywhere else in Britain and it is one of only two centres in Scotland for the training of speech therapists. The Faculty has established itself as the largest provider of staff for the community education service in the country and, mainly as a result of its location within Scotland's largest city, is able to offer social workers a range of experience of an exceptional kind.
University of Strathclyde Faculty of Education 2 Academic/ Vocational Courses –Early Years Teachers –Primary Teachers –Secondary Teachers ( all subjects) –Community Educators –Professional Integration –Speech and Language Therapists –Health Promotion Professionals –Community Artists –Artists, dramatists and musicians –Social Workers –Counsellors
'Integrated' Courses 1 Undergraduate programmes Working in collaboration modules Target audience: Academic/ Vocational Courses Early Years Teachers, Primary Teachers, Community Educators, Professional Integration, Speech and Language Therapists, Social Workers, Professional in Autism Services
Learning Outcomes –demonstrate an understanding of the processes of collaborative working across disciplines; –demonstrate an understanding of the skills required to manage these processes effectively, taking account of the significance of discipline- based aims and purposes, knowledge, skills and values; –use this understanding as a basis for their own skill development in this aspect of their practice; –explain different theoretical approaches to the above.
Poster presentations Students are expected to attend a major conference and present / defend their poster. As they are asked to raise question/issues on the poster, they should seek opportunities during the poster presentation to interact with the other module students to explore these issues further. The other student will be encouraged to offer peer feedback on the posters
Education and Social Services Diploma of Higher Education Bachelor of Arts Degree Joint Programme Course Aim: Increasing capability in the management and integration of Education and Social Services
The Higher Education Review (2003) identified speeding the rate at which flexible and innovative provision is developed as one of the key challenges. This requires: –greater co-operation and collaboration across and between institutions and sectors; –greater transparency in routes and entry and exit points for learners; –better information to support learner choice.
Preparing the Workforce Inter-related services Inter-professional collaboration Broadening and enhancing understanding and skills Enhancing teamwork and management capabilities
BA ESS Learning Principles Holistic Approach Human rights perspective Evidence based approach Inquiry led, problem solving emphasis Practice based learning National and International Context Embedded key skills
Workplace Practice and Placement Partnerships Range of placement contexts Allocation of student to placement Learning Focus Placement Support
Continuing Professional Development 1 Two major themes –Generic element : senior managers, 'champions' leaders concerned with research, management and leadership within integration, –Thematic element: Heads, professionals, practitioners concerned with mono-agency developments; integrated assessment procedures, departmental procedures, action points and practice exemplars
Continuing Professional Development 2 Generic Content Includes –Research on Integration of services for children and families; –Social Policy: Integration of services for children and families in health, education and social services; –Winning Hearts and Minds in the development of integration of services for children and families; –Leadership in the integration of services for children and families.
Continuing Professional Development 3 Thematic examples –child protection in schools: an integrated approach –creating a reflective practitioner; an integrated approach –leadership in integrated centres for children and families –managing challenging behaviour in children: an integrated approach –configuring services at management level: an integrated approach –developing evidence based practice: an integrated approach –assessment frameworks; an integrated approach. –autism and training; an integrated approach