Virtual Training Centre Learning every time & everywhere Szent István University College of Jászberény
A small country …
… with a great history.
Our Budapest is the nicest capital in Central Europe on bank of Danube
… are important features of Hungarian life. The education, culture, and sports
Our intellectual heritage
13 Nobel Prize winners were educated in this country.
Hungary has become a most convenient choice for international students.
Every year nearly foreign students reside in the country.
The Bachelor, Master, and doctoral degrees granted by Hungarian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) can easily get recognition in all European Union countries.
A large variety of Hungarian programmes of study offered in various languages in Hungary.
Tuition fees and costs of living are considerably lower in Hungary.
Our higher education institutions are part of the European Higher Education Area.
If you choose Hungarian as the language of your studies, we can offer preparatory courses before you start your higher-level studies in Hungarian.
Study courses in Hungary
Post secondary courses First level courses: BA/BSc level in foreign languages Second level courses: MA/MSc level in foreign languages Third level courses: PhD courses
Foreign language courses (preparation for entrance examination in Physics, Mathematics and Biology and English/German) Hungarian Language Courses for university studying E-learning courses
Type of courses … Animal Sciences General Medicine Economics International Business Management/Economics Tourism and Hotel Management Business Economics Agricultural Sciences Business Administration etc
The most popular course fields for foreign learners offered by VIT at Szent István University
Post secondary courses (Full time/part time short courses)
Horse Riding Coach Basketball Coach Volleyball Coach Handball Coach Aerobic Coach Roller Skates Coach Football Coach Behaviour and Movement Culture (model course) Dancing Archery Ceramics
Bachelor of arts/science
Social Work − BA Adult Education/Counselling − BA Agricultural Engineering − BSc
Master courses
Education − MA (mainly pedagogic and other specializations) Animal Sciences − MSc Master of Business Administration − MSc Business Economics − MSc Economics − MSc oversees co-operation Veterinary Science − MSc MBA − further education level, required MSc degree and TOEFL certification
PhD schools and branches of scienes offered by Szent István University
Animal Husbandry − PhD course Biological PhD School Crop Sciences PhD School Education PhD course co-operation with Eötvös Loránd University Economics PhD School Engineering PhD School Environmental PhD School Management and Business Studies PhD School Veterinary Science (PhD course)
Leisure time in Hungary
Hot springing waters, historical monument of Roman ages and wonderful landscape for horse riding and hunting excursions or active recreation.
All courses are available through the Virtual Training Centre (VIT) at Szent István University
Contact institution: Szent István University, Virtual Training Centre − VIT Contact person: Mr. Dr. Endre Barko PhD