School system in the USA
Describe the education system in the USA. EDUCATION in the USA PRE-SCHOOL PRIMARY SECONDARY HIGHER Junior college Middle school (7 – 8 grade) Senior college Elementary school Nursery school High school (9 – 12 grade) Universities Kindergartens
Pre-school education Most public elementary schools provide a pre-school kindergarten (K) year for five-year-olds. A co-operative school is usually the least expensive, as parents work voluntarily as teachers’ together with professional teachers. Church-affiliated schools are usually attached to religious centres and may include religious education Private schools are the most expensive and vary considerably from small home-run set-ups to large custom-built schools.
Compulsory education 88% of school-age children attend public schools, 9% attend private schools, and nearly 3% are homeschooled. Education is compulsory over an age range starting between five and eight and ending somewhere between ages sixteen and eighteen, depending on the state.
Elementary education Elementary school is usually attended from the age of 5 or 6 until 11 (grades K to 6), Elementary schools teach fundamental skills of reading, writing and maths, as well as history and geography (taught together as social studies), crafts, music, science, art and physical education (phys ed) or gym.
Secondary education Secondary education is often divided into two phases, middle or junior high school (grades 7 and 8)and high school (grades 9 to 12). Students are usually given more independence, moving to different classrooms for different subjects, and being allowed to choose some of their class subjects (electives). Electives usually comprise around half of a student’s work at high school.
Testing all American states must test students in public schools each year. If students don´t pass thay can take summer school and/or tutoring. During high school, students (usually in 11th grade) may take one or more standardized tests. The SAT and ACT are the most common standardized tests that students take when applying to college. A student may take the SAT, ACT, or both.
Higher education In 2009, average annual tuition at a public university (for residents of the state) was $7,020. Undergraduate study: 4 years. Degree Bachelor (of Art -B.A., of Science – B.S., of Engineering – B. Eng. ...) Graduate study: 1-2 years. Dergree Master (of Art –MA) Final dergree is the doctoral degree
College vs. University At college you can usually complete only Bachelor degree. At univeristy you can also study Master and Doctor degree.
Some questions for discussion Describe a day in your school. Are there many extra school activities? (trips, visits to theatres etc.) What do you think of your school? What do/did you like? What do/did you hate? How would you define 'an ideal teacher'? Is studying languages important? Why? How do you think children and students will study in the future?