2013 Section Update Healthy Homes Section 2013 Workshop Wesley F. Priem Section Manager
Agenda Review
Important Topics Understanding HUD Revised Guidelines for the Evaluation and Control of Lead-based Hazards in Housing Updates to procedures for Inspectors, Risk Assessors and Contractors Clarifications of regulations Funding Importance of working together
EPA Authorization May require a change to our Lead Abatement Act: Up to $5,000 per violation for first offense A few definitional changes such as “structure” Considering updates: Slight increase in certification fees (no increase since inception of program in 1998) Landlord Penalty Section Clarifications such as those in our Interpretative Guidance Document
EPA Authorization EPA makes several site inspections to our state each year. Includes a review of our enforcement case files for completeness and adherence to intent of federal 402/404 standard.
EPA Authorization EPA recognizes Michigan’s Program as a doing “a great job.” They are implementing many of our guidance and field procedures for Region 5 RRP cases. EPA is now considering our assistance with other state programs.
HUD LHC Grant Our last HUD Lead Hazard Control application scored highest in the county! Future awards ? We are making great progress in meeting HUD’s expectations and benchmarks.
HUD ACE Grant We received a HUD Technical Studies grant (November 2011 – October 2014). Asthma Control through Education (ACE) Focus is Lansing and Flint - federally funded multi-housing. Meeting benchmarks and helping families!
Kresge Foundation Kresge Foundation is funding our evaluation of the effectiveness of the Healthy Home interventions. This evaluation should be complete in about a year and the results will help to frame future policy in this industry.
Certifications Direct relationship to federal funding.
State General Funds $1, 250, Celebration of Our Champions!
How will GF $ be Allocated? 41 Units CLEAR Corps Detroit 41 Units Out-State Michigan Concentration in West Michigan -Steve Smith Regional Field Consultant New EBL Investigator –Posted HHS website. New XRF
Great Staff
Great Partners!
U.S. Department of HUD Region V Michigan House and Senate and staff Rental Property Owners Association of Kent County Office of the Governor Michigan League for Human Services South East Michigan Health Association Michigan Department of Community Health Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program Citizen Advocates The ARC of MichiganMichigan Council for Maternal and Child Health Ryan Diagnostics Inc. Core Stakeholders Clear Corps Detroit Doss Consultants Health Homes Coalition of West Michigan Ecology Center / Michigan Network for Children’s Environmental Health MDCH Healthy Homes Section Wayne State University Michigan Environmental Council City of Lansing Michigan Certified Lead Abatement Firms and I/RA Consultants including; ETC, RSM and Get the Lead Out Local Health Departments including: Ingham, Genesee, Kalamazoo, Saginaw, Muskegon, Wayne. Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office The Safe Homes/Safe Kids Michigan Alliance for Lead Safe Housing Stakeholders Chart
Great Federal Partners EPA Chicago HUD Federal and Regional Centers for Disease Control
State Representative Champions Thomas Stallworth Matt Lori Rashide Tlaib Robert VerHuelen John Olumba Chuck Moss
State Senator Champions Bruce Caswell Vincent Gregory John Moolenaar Roger Kahn David Hildenbrand
THANK YOU For being here today!