The Dutch education system & Education in Meppel By Marisa Grotens Symposium Most-Meppel 2013
Presentation Historic backgrounds of Dutch education system Dutch education system nowadays Education in Meppel Actual topics Symposium Most-Meppel 2013
Freedom…& education (1848) 1.Freedom of founding schools 2.Freedom of persuasion 3.Freedom of educational institution Symposium Most-Meppel 2013
Freedom of persuasion Public and Christian schools Muslim schools Progressive or alternative schools Symposium Most-Meppel 2013
At the beginning… Only the elite went to school “Why would the son of a farmer go to school, if the son would also become a farmer? That’s a waste of time”
Industrial revolution Need for educated people To develop as a country, you need developed people Poor and uneducated people mostly become criminals and are not good for society. (Small) children are working in factories The government suddenly wants education!
The industrial revolution & the law of 1901 Compulsory education -To counter child labour -To give everybody a chance for a better life
History Public and Christian schools 1848: both schools are allowed, only the public school will be financed by the government 1878: school must be modified only public schools were sponsored for those costs. 1917: equal financing “The School battle”
Dutch society
Update on Dutch Education: Diversity exists & is included: no child left behind & no drop outs Talent development & transfer moves Work related learning Competence based learning Long life learning Science & technology New media & media smart Internationalization
Regular & Special education OLD POLICY: 4 types of special education Cluster 1: visually blind and partially sighted Cluster 2: deaf and hard of hearing, speech and language disorders Cluster 3: mental disability and chronical ill children Cluster 4: social behavior disability and psychiatric & social emotional disorders Regular and special schools working together, to make sure every child has got the right facilities. Inclusive education: All children can learn… Differences do make the Difference!
NEW Policy (2014….): Diversity in society reflects into education: inclusive - exclusive A school in the neighbourhood Inclusive education Suitable education Cooperation ps & sps BUT drastic consequences for clusters & regular education ……..with less budget Pedagogical/Didactical Powerfull learning for all children Braincompatible classrooms Differentiation & variation learning styles Teachers’ competencies cooperative teaching How => e.g. Storyline Approach, Multiple Intelligences
Symposium Most-Meppel 2013
Education in Meppel 16 ( Special) Primary schools 6 (Special) Secondary schools 2 Senior secondary vocational schools (MBO) 1 University of applied sciences (HBO) Symposium Most-Meppel 2013
14 primary & 2 special primary schools Public Christian Reformed Catholic Alternatives Special public Symposium Most-Meppel
4 secondary & 3 special secondary schools Stad & Esch Dingstede Greydanus Terra college VMBO Rechterenschool Ambelt Mackayschool Symposium Most-Meppel 2013
2 Senior secondary vocational schools AOC Terra Drenthe college Symposium Most-Meppel 2013
Higher vocational education Pabo Meppel: One of the oldest teacher training colleges for primary education in The Netherlands (1843) International class (Erasmus) International Bachelor degree Symposium Most-Meppel 2013
Future plans for education in Meppel ( Special) Secondary schools Senior secondary vocational schools Symposium Most-Meppel 2013
Actual themes society & education
Questions? Thanks for your attention Symposium Most-Meppel 2013