OGT Academic Assemblies Today we will focus on: –What will it be like the week of testing. –Scoring Constructed Responses. This will help you better understand what the test scorers are looking for when they read and score your answers.
March 16 th -20 th Testing begins March 16 th with Reading, followed by Math, Writing, Science and Social Studies. Each day you are to report directly to the commons, find your assigned seat, and clear your table. Bring with you pencils, a book to read silently, or work to complete when you are finished. Dress WARM it is chilly in the commons. You will be in the commons from 7:20-10:30 am. Make sure you eat a big breakfast before coming to school. Be on time to school. Do not schedule Dr. appointments in the morning, because you cannot leave testing once you have started.
Any questions about testing?
What are constructed responses? Constructed responses equal 1/3 of the overall points on the Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies OGTs. You cannot pass the OGTs without answering the constructed response questions!! (see point values on blueprints) They include short answer questions worth 2 points each and extended response questions worth 4 points each.
Practice scoring Begin with the Social Studies History Question 35. Begin with the Social Studies History Question 35. Read the prompt and think about your answer. Review each student answer and give it a score from 0-2 with zero being no credit and 2 equaling full credit. Did they answer all parts of the question completely?
History Answers Dangerous machinery = 2 points During the 19 th century = 1 point In the 19 th century = 0 points How did you come up with your answers?
Practice scoring Reading Read the story prompt to yourself. Think about how you would answer the question. Read each sample response and give it a score from 0-4. Refer to the 4 pt response rubric when scoring.
Reading Answers One reference the author makes is = 4 points The author describes = 3 points In this passage = 2 points Characters would be an example = 1 point The author uses a lot of = 0 points How did you come to these conclusions?
Additional Practice OGT Teachers OGT Teachers Open Score a constructed response Select Science; 2008; Physical Sciences; Question 29 Answer the question independently View a 2 point answer and then compare it to yours