ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE OF MU - PLEVEN University of Medicine Faculties Administrative services Colleges Medical College Pleven Medical College V. Turnovo Medical College Rousse Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Public Health
THE FACULTY OF PUBLIC HEALTH was officially established after: – successful institutional accreditation by the National Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation in February 2004; –Government Decree of June 2004; –Parliamentarian Act of September THE FACULTY OF PUBLIC HEALTH is legally and financially an integrated part of the Medical University of Pleven.
Mission of the Faculty of Public Health To contribute to health promotion, disease prevention and improvement of quality of life of Bulgarian population through integrated multidisciplinary training of specialists for realization of key functions in the broad area of public health; to carry out research on current trends and determinants of public health and to contribute to effective performance of Bulgarian health system.
Faculty Governing Bodies 1.General Assembly – 70 members (53 full time academic staff, 15 students, 2 administrative staff 2. Academic Council – 25 members (19 professors, 3 assistant professors, 3 students) 3. Dean – mandate 4 years; maximum two consecutive mandates
Organisational structure of the Faculty of Public Health Faculty of Public Health Dept. of Health Care Management, Medical Ethics and IT Dept. of Social and Preventive Medicine, Pedagogy and Psychology Dept. of Hygiene, Medical ecology, Occupational Diseases and Disaster Medicine Dept. of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology Dept. of Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology, Parasitology and Tropical Diseases Dept. of General Medicine, Forensic Medicine and Deontology
FACULTY OF PUBLIC HEALTH Academic staff For all six departments: 53 Full-time Staff Among them: 19 professors 34 assistant professors
Bachelor Degree Programme in Public Health and Health Care Management – for part-time students with a background in nursing midwifery, and other relevant specialties – since 1996 Bachelor Degree Programme in Public Health and Health Care Management – for full-time students with a background in nursing midwifery, and other relevant specialties – since 2000 Master Degree Programme in Public Health and Health Care Management – for Bachelor degree graduates – since 2001 Master Degree Programme in Public Health and Health Management for medical doctors and other master degree graduates – since 2005 New programmes to be organized since 2007: - Bachelor Degree Programme in Public Health for secondary school graduates - Master Degree programme on Health promotion Teaching activities of the Academic staff SPECIFIC PROGRAMMES
The Academic staff of the Faculty of Public Health also participate in teaching: -medical students providing 12 different courses in Bulgarian and in English for University English division; -students in medical colleges providing 14 different courses according to the specialization of different departments; -10 postgraduate specialization programmes for medical doctors; - Different courses in continuing education programmes for medical doctors, nurses and other health specialists
The Departments of the FPH teach each year modules to: - more than 300 Bachelor and Master Degree students in Public Health and Health Care Management; - more than 400 medical students; - more than 200 nurses, 60 midwifes, 90 laboratory and X-Ray technicians, 40 social workers.
RESEARCH PRIORITIES FOUR BASIC DIRECTIONS: –Epidemiology of noncommunicable diseases and public health processes (analysis of public health situation; inequalities in health; quality of life, etc.); –Epidemiological, clinical and experimental research of physical, chemical, biological and social factors in living and working environment;
RESEARCH PRIORITIES FOUR BASIC DIRECTIONS: –Health care management (quality of health care, economic aspects of health care, management and ethics of hospice/palliative care, etc); –Information technologies in health care system and innovative methods of teaching
Why we are applying for a membership in ASPHER? We highly appreciate the benefits of a membership: participation in all ASPHER activities and networking opportunities with European counterparts; opportunity to improve the quality of training programmes and pass through the proces of Peer Review; opportunities to participate in different projects; opportunities to get and distribute useful information about PH in Europe. We have built up good potential and capacity for effective collaboration with other European schools of Public Health.
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