Hebrew Old Testament Proverbs Job Law of Moses (Torah) Prophets (Nebiim) Writings (Kethubhim) Genesis Former Prophets Poetical Books Exodus Joshua Psalms Leviticus Judges Proverbs Numbers Samuel Job Deuteronomy Kings (I & II) Five Rolls (Megilloth) Latter Prophets Song of Songs Isaiah Ruth Jeremiah Lamentations Ezekiel Esther The Twelve Ecclesiastes Historical Books Daniel Ezra – Nehemiah Chronicles
Purpose To instruct and exhort in Godly wisdom and skillful living according to God’s moral standards. Proverbs develops a healthy respect/fear of the Lord and resultant fruit in response to it.
Key Word: Wisdom Major Themes Instruction Wisdom/Folly Student/son to receive instruction Teacher/Father to give instruction Wisdom/Folly The Fear of the Lord (19x) The Sovereignty of God
Structure 1:2-7 Purpose of the Proverbs 1:8-9:18 Preparation of the Son 10:10-24:34 Practical Wisdom 25:1-29:27 Proverbs with a Purpose 30:1-33 Words of Agur 31:1-31 Words of King Lemuel
Purpose of the Proverbs (1:2-7) Two-fold purpose To receive instruction in wise behavior, righteousness, justice, and equity (1:3) To give prudence to the naïve/wide open (1:4) Wide open – those who lack discernment as opposed to the wise who discern well Motto of the Book (1:7)
Preparation of the Son (1:8-9:18) “Hear my son” Used 10 times in chapters 1-8 (1:8; 2:1; 3:1; 4:1, 10, 20; 5:1; 6:1, 20; 7:1) Son encouraged to avoid folly and acquire wisdom Youth naturally tend toward folly – need to have it disciplined out of them by mother and father (1:8; 6:20)
Two Kinds of Women in the World They compete for the soul of the youth (2:10-33) Folly Speaks (1:10-19) Wisdom is open and public Whoever forsakes folly and acquires wisdom will prosper Wisdom speaks (1:20-33) Folly secretly ensnares the soul of the youth by luring her victim into a trap Folly leads to death/Sheol
Practical Wisdom (10:10-24:34) Two Broad Divisions (375 proverbs in all) Synonymous parallelism Chapters 16-22 Two line proverbs in which similar or comparative ideas or principles placed together Teach on things such as God’s Sovereignty (16:1, 4, 33; 21:1), His righteous judgment (16:5; 20:27; 24:12) and man’s natural bent toward foolishness (20:9) Antithetical parallelism Chapters 10-15 Two line proverbs in which opposing ideas are contrasted Teach on things such as a good work ethic (10:4; 12:11) and Humility (12:9; 15:33)
Emphasis Short, pithy maxims which teach how to live wisely and with discretion/prudence in everyday life situations Sharp contrast between wicked/foolish and righteous/Godly Also proverbs relating to kings and the behavior expected of them (14:28, 35; 16:14;, 15; 20:28; 21:1)
Proverbs with a Purpose (25:1-29:27) Proverbs of Solomon which had been transcribed (copied and arranged) by Hezekiah’s men Why? To bring spiritual renewal to the nation Many of the same themes as section III
Words of Agur (30:1-33) Wise sayings from an anonymous sage Clusters of numerical proverbs
Words of King Lemuel (31:1-31) Poem #1 31:1-9 Instructive wisdom for leadership Poem #2 31:10-31 Describes the ideal, virtuous woman Set in an acrostic pattern for memorization – every verse begins with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet
Application “Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools for it. There is no fool so great a fool as a knowing fool. But to know how to use knowledge is to have wisdom.” – Charles Spurgeon Don’t simply grow in knowledge, but the application of true knowledge – 2 Peter 1
Acquire Wisdom Psalm 90 – Live Skillfully Deuteronomy 5:29; John 15:14 – Hear and obey God 1 Peter 2:17 – Fear God
Parents, Teach your children To fear the Lord (1:7, 9) To guard their minds (4:23) To obey their parents (1:8) How to select their companions (13:20) To control their lusts (2:16-19; 5:3-5) To enjoy their spouses (5:15-20) To watch their words (4:24) To pursue their work (6:6-8) To manage their money (3:9-10) To love their neighbors (3:27-29) John MacArthur (Successful Christian Parenting, 77-104)