(Genesis 2:18-25)
The Purpose of Life I. The Purpose of Life (Why Do I exist): A. To glorify God-to demonstrate the greatness of His Character by functioning according to His design and will in all aspects of Life.
The Purpose of Life Scripture: (Isaiah 43:7, Romans 11:36, Colossians 1:15-17, 1Corinthains 10:31, 2Corinthians 5:9,15, Matthew 5:14-16 )
The Purpose of Life II. The Objectives of Life (What are the overarching goals I need to accomplish to fulfill my purpose?):
The Purpose of Life A. To know God intimately (Relationship with God) (John 17:3).
The Purpose of Life B. To become like Jesus Christ to maturity in all aspects of life (Sanctification in Jesus Christ) (2Corinthians 3:18, Ephesians 4:11- 16).
The Purpose of Life C. To be useful to God (Service for God) (Ephesians 2:10, Romans 7:4, 1Peter 4:10-11).
The Purpose of Life III. The Process of Life (What steps do I need to take to accomplish my goals to fulfill my purpose?):
The Purpose of Life A. Learn the Truth of God (2 Timothy 3:16, 2:15, Psalm 1:1-3, 119: )
The Purpose of Life B. Live the Truth of God you have learned (James 1:19-22, Psalm 119: )
The Purpose of Life C. Love others through the Truth of God you have learned and are living (John 13:34-35, 1Corinthians 13:4-8, Ephesians 4:16-17)
5 Non Biblical Ideas About Marriage (Proverbs 14:12) A. Marriage was designed to make us happy
5 Non Biblical Ideas About Marriage (Proverbs 14:12) B. Marriage was designed compensate for our past failures
5 Non Biblical Ideas About Marriage (Proverbs 14:12) C. Marriage was designed to fulfill all our fantasies
5 Non Biblical Ideas About Marriage (Proverbs 14:12) D. Marriage was designed to address all our financial problems
5 Non Biblical Ideas About Marriage (Proverbs 14:12) E. Marriage was designed to make us feel good about ourselves
I. God Designed Marriage for Companionship (Genesis 2:18) A. Marriage was designed so that man would not be alone.
I. God Designed Marriage for Companionship (Genesis 2:18) B. Marriage was designed so that man would not be alone in fulfilling God’s plan.
I. God Designed Marriage for Companionship (Genesis 2:18) C. Marriage was designed for man and woman to be life long partners that would meet genuine needs of one another, and satisfy legitimate desires of one another for life as priority above everyone else and everything else except God Himself. (1 Corinthians 7:33-34)
II. God Designed Marriage for Co-laboring (Genesis 2:15-18) A. Marriage was designed to provide man with a woman to assist him in his God- given responsibilities. (Genesis 2:15-23)
II. God Designed Marriage for Co-laboring (Genesis 2:15-18) B. Marriage was designed so that man and woman could work together as a team in fulfilling God’s commandment accordingly (Genesis 1:26-28)
II. God Designed Marriage for Co-laboring (Genesis 2:15-18) C. Marriage was designed to show how men and women can work together in a union to advance the Kingdom Agenda of God (Genesis 1:27-28, 2:15-23)
III. God Designed Marriage for Cleaving (Genesis 2:24) A. Man and woman are called to come together as a family unit separate from their mothers and fathers.
III. God Designed Marriage for Cleaving (Genesis 2:24) B. Man and woman are called to come together and build a foundation based on their new family not their original family.
III. God Designed Marriage for Cleaving (Genesis 2:24) C. Man and woman are called to come together to work on oneness in marriage.
IV. God Designed Marriage for Completion (Genesis 2:24) A. Marriage was designed so that man and woman can help each other come to know Jesus Christ intimately
IV. God Designed Marriage for Completion (Genesis 2:24) B. Marriage was designed so that man and woman can help each become like Jesus Christ ultimately
IV. God Designed Marriage for Completion (Genesis 2:24) C. Marriage was designed so that man and woman can help each other become useful to Jesus Christ practically resulting in fulfilling their God-given purposes for existence.
V. God Designed Marriage to Complement Christ and the Church (Ephesians 5:22-33) A. Marriage is to reveal how Christ related to the Church.
V. God Designed Marriage to Complement Christ and the Church (Ephesians 5:22-33) B. People are to see how Christ loves the Church as they see how a man loves his wife.
V. God Designed Marriage to Complement Christ and the Church (Ephesians 5:22-33) C. People are to see how the Church submits to Christ as they see how a women submits to her husband.