College Now vs. Advanced Placement College Now Classes taken at North High School Apply, Enroll and Pay for Classes at JCCC Credit is based on performance/grade in class Cost $85 per credit hour Credit earned at JCCC, transferable to other colleges Advanced Placement Classes taken at North High School Register, Pay for and take tests at North in May Credit is based on score from AP Exam Cost $89 per exam Scores sent directly to colleges who determine credit earned (based on scores 1-5)
Course Options English 12 AP English 11 AP (AP only) Chemistry 2 AP US History AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC AP US Government AP Computer Science AP Biology 2 AP Statistics AP Physics 1 Honors (College Now only) Physics 2 AP (AP only) Psychology AP Spanish 4 (College Now only) French 4 (College Now only) German 4 (College Now only) Spanish 5H (College Now only) French 5H (College Now only) Spanish 6 AP (AP only) French 6 AP (AP only) Studio Art (AP only) Music Theory (AP only) European History (AP only)
Important Dates College Now Fall/Full Year Classes September 1: Authorization, application and ACT/SAT score submission deadline September 14: Enrollment and COMPASS test submission deadline Spring Classes February 4: Authorization, application and ACT/SAT score submission deadline February 14: Enrollment and COMPASS test submission deadline Dates vary from year to year Sign up for text alerts! Advanced Placement Register and pay in student services by the Thursday before Spring Break Exams usually taken during the first 2 weeks in May
Questions? College Now Nancy Hadley JCCC College Now Link Advanced Placement Nancy Hadley AP Central Link
Testing/Financial Aid ACT (summer jr. year, early fall sr. year) SAT (summer jr. year, early fall sr. year) PSAT (October soph. year and jr. year for NMSQ) COMPASS (entrance test at JCCC) Grants (need-based, FAFSA) Financial Aid Night at NW on TBA Scholarships (merit-based) Loans (choice)
Counseling Site