Quiet Areas Have Advantages


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Presentation transcript:

Quiet Areas Have Advantages Quiet areas have advantages in time of study and reflection. We see it in the Library. In the Hospital. Even in Children’s areas…. It is especailly important when an important message is trying to be understood and heard.

Quiet Areas Have Advantages Quiet areas have advantages in any situation where it is hard to hear another person – especially if the message of the speaker is really important.

1 Corinthians 14:26-40 The Context: Regulates Orderly Behavior for Both Men & Women. The Setting: “in the churches” “in church”. Collective Worship Assembly of the Church. See 1 Corinthians 10:17 The Command: “keep silent in the churches” The Explanation: “as the Law also says” The Permissible: “learn…at home” The Regulation Restated: “improper for a woman to speak in church.” Often in communication we make a point – then we reinforce our point with some type of example, some type of evidence, some type of basis or reason for the Propositon we are setting forth. Paul does this. *Permissable/Allowable. It is nice when someone gives us a rule – that they help us understand the circumstances where this rule applies but also help us understand what kind of behavior is not being limited – so that we don’t inadvertently OVER apply the rule and create restrictions where none are required. Times I’ve told the kids “stay here” – I intended them to play in that room – but they froze in place. I’ve had to be more clear and say – play in this room, while I take out the trash. Then they know the true boundaries, but also what is allowed. Paul was dealing with this in Chapter 5:9-11. Here he want to show what is restricted and what is allowed. I will even take this one step further – As he describes what is Permissable – He is not giving the ONE and ONLY situation where women can talk to their husbands. If so, it would mean it was wrong to ask your husband in the car, or in a hotel, or anywhere outside of the home. He is not limiting all female bible study to asking only to the home and the husband. He is simply giving us an example of a good place for women to ask spiritual questions and an example of a good source of wisdom. *Asking an apostle in a letter is another great example of an ALLOWABLE, PERMISSIBLE way to learn.

1 Timothy 2:11-15 The Context: The Main Body of The Letter Section Begins in 1 Timothy 2:1 “First of all…” Goal Stated in 1 Tim 3:15 “conduct…in the church” The Setting: Periods of Instruction, Likely Those of a Spiritual Nature… Males: 1 Timothy 2:8 & Females: 1 Timothy 2:9-15 (Females In Business Settings: Acts 16:14, Proverbs 31:16,24, 1 Samuel 25:19) The Command: “quietly receive instruction” Submissive, Not Absolute Silence. This Is The Same Quiet as 1 Timothy 2:2. CONTEXT – 2:1 thru 6:20 SETTING: Gender Instructions That Can Apply In & Out of the Church, Given To A Well Informed Audience. Well Informed Audience – With the corinthians Paul really spelt things out. With Timothy – some of this has been discussed before and he can rightly expect Timothy to recognize where certain principles are to be applied without spelling it out directly. ** I will tell you upfront I believe 9-10 apply to all places and that 11-15 are limited to spiritual occassions. And some see that as very arbitrary. *I want you to see that it is NOT arbitrary but that it IS a DIFFICULT TEXT to know exactly the scope because the context and setting are more fluid and less explicit than the 1 Cor. 14 passage.

1 Timothy 2:11-15 The Explanation: “Over a Man” The Clause Must Apply To Both Actions (Titus 2:3) “do not allow a woman to teach…over a man.” “do not allow a woman…to exercise authority over a man.” Basis Is From Creation Onward (vs 13-15) The Permissible: “with entire submissiveness” Student participation that respects the leadership of the teacher and other students. The Regulation Restated: “to remain quiet” Well Informed Audience – With the corinthians Paul really spelt things out. With Timothy – some of this has been discussed before and he can rightly expect Timothy to recognize where certain principles are to be applied without spelling it out directly. ** I will tell you upfront I believe 9-10 apply to all places and that 11-15 are limited to spiritual occassions. And some see that as very arbitrary. *I want you to see that it is NOT arbitrary but that it IS a DIFFICULT TEXT to know exactly the scope because the context and setting are more fluid and less explicit than the 1 Cor. 14 passage.

Making Application Today These Principles Are Built From Creation Forward, Not Just On Culture or The Temporary Use of Miraculous Gifts. The Bible DOES Allow Women To Participate Submissively & Ask Questions Outside of the Worship Assembly of the Church. The Bible Does NOT Allow Women To Preach Over Men or Teach Classes Over Men.