Helsinki 8-11 th June, 2005 NIESR
–National accounts –Comparability –Expertise Information needed –Industry disaggregation –Backdating –INDUSTRY CLASSIFICATION
UK HOURS WORKED Control totals derived from LFS Weekly hours worked – average hours actually worked in the reference week which includes hours worked in second job. Available at the 72 industry level from LFS micro data –Sample size likely to be small – very volatile The New Earnings Survey (NES) (now the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE)) could also be used for further breakdowns, given their larger sample size – has normal hours and total hours data –No self employed information
Ireland: Labour accounts National accounts estimates at a very broad sectoral breakdown Agriculture, forestry and Fishing Industry –Reproduction of recorded media –Chemicals –Computers and Instrument Engineering –Electrical machinery and equipment Distribution, Transport and Communications Public administration and defence Other services Microdata from LFS available from 1993 Before 1993 production censuses, some census data for services late 1980s, population censuses every five years Annual National Employment Survey but this is only available from 2003
Employment There are a number of surveys that can be used to derive labour compensation series by industry. The most reliable estimate of numbers employed in the past was the censuses of production, construction, and the services inquiry. The CSO have now rectified this with an Annual National Employment Survey but this is only available from 2003