The Nuts and Bolts of Data Collection and Analysis Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports SYSTEMS PRACTICES DATA OUTCOMES Joan Ledvina Parr 410-887-1103
Process for Supporting Social Competence and Academic Achievement OUTCOMES Supporting Staff Behavior Supporting Decision Making School-wide Classroom Non-classroom Individual SYSTEMS DATA Office Discipline Referrals Staff Input Academic Progress Attendance PRACTICES Define behavior expectations Specify routines Teach Acknowledge Correct Follow up and feedback Reinforcement Generalization Supporting Student Behavior
Are you…. Swimming in data? Drowning in data? In a maze of data and can’t find your way out? Lost and don’t know what to do?
Data Needs to be Your Friend Without data, you are just another person with an opinion…..
Data Can Be Your Friend Key Features of Data Systems that Work: Data are accurate Data are easy to collect Data are used for decision making Data must be available when decisions need to be made People who collect the data must see the information used for decision making
Objectives—to Help you Find your Way Review the types of data you will want to consider Review how to access STARS data and PBIS reports Learn how to use the Big 5 Generator Understand how to use data to make decisions
Where to Begin……
Review End of the Year Data Reports Office referrals and suspensions PBIS reports in STARS PBIS Self-Assessment (Staff Survey) Benchmarks of Quality PBIS team completed Analysis of your School’s Resources Triangle of Tier 1, 2, and 3 interventions Final Step: Develop an Action Plan Bonus Step: Learn about the Big 5 Generator
What Data Should be Collected for Decision Making? Office Discipline Referrals Measure of overall environment— Referrals are affected by: Student behavior Staff behavior Administrative context Teacher Referrals (Minors, Focus Room, etc.) Suspensions Attendance
Office Discipline Referral Process/Form Coherent system in place to collect office discipline referral data Faculty and staff agree on categories Faculty and staff agree on process Office Discipline Referral Form should include all needed information: Name, Date, Time, Staff Referring Problem Behavior, Location, Motivation Others Involved, Detailed Information as needed
STARS Discipline Module Data Entry Office Discipline Referrals (Majors) Teacher Referrals (Minors) Reports PBIS Reports: The Big 5 Location Problem Behavior Time of Day Student Referrals per Day by Month Variable Reports
STARS—3 of the Big 5 Reports Location Problem Behavior Time of Day Date Range From ……To Referral Type All (major and minor) Major Minor Show All Categories with _____ or more referrals
STARS—4th of the Big 5 Reports Student Date Range Referral Type Show All Students with _____ or more referrals Sort on: Student name Age Grade Section Major Minor
Student Report—Factors to Sort on Student Name—Lists students alphabetically Age—Lists by age of students Grade—Lists by grade of students Section—Lists by section of students Majors—Lists students’ names in order according to their number of majors Minors—Lists students’ names in order according to their number of minors ** You can limit your list by requesting only students with _____ or more referrals or by asking for only majors or only minors
STARS—5th of the Big 5 Reports Average Referrals per Day by Month Provides a chart with the number of days school was in session, number of referrals (majors and/or minors), as well as the calculation of Referrals per Day by Month
The Big 5 Generator Excel spreadsheet Record STARS data by Month Label each document by Month Cut and paste graphs into document Location Problem Behavior Time of Day Students Average Referrals per Day by Month
Analysis: What systems are problematic? Referrals by location? Are there specific problem locations? Referrals by problem behavior? What problem behaviors are most common? Referrals by student? Are there many students receiving referrals or only a small number of students with many referrals? Referrals by time of day? Are there specific times when problems occur? Keep asking questions – looking at data, is what we are doing making a difference - 17
Referrals by Problem Behavior
Referrals by Problem Location
Referrals by Time of Day
What Does the Data Tell Us If many students are making same mistake, consider changing system….not students Start by teaching, monitoring & rewarding…before increasing punishment Guidelines: 21
IF: Focus On: Classroom Systems Schoolwide Systems More than 35% of students receive 1 or more referrals Average referrals per student > 2.5 Schoolwide Systems More than 35% of referrals come from non-classroom settings More than 15% of students who receive a referral are referred from non-classroom settings Non-Classroom Systems More than 50% of referrals are from classroom settings More than 40% of referrals come from less than 10% of the classrooms Classroom Systems If 10 or more students have 5 or more referrals Targeted Group Interventions Less than 10 students with 10 or more office referrals Less than 10 students continue w/referrals after targeted interv Small number of students destabilizing overall functioning Individual Student Systems
Looking at the Overall Numbers What are the trends from year to year?
Office Referrals per Year Create Graphs from the Big 5 Generator, Excel or Power Point Applications Office Referrals per Year
Looking at the Overall Numbers What are the trends within the year?
Average Referrals per Day by Month Create Graphs from the Big 5 Generator, Excel or Power Point Applications Average Referrals per Day by Month
Another View of Summary Data Consider the triangle percentages…. Percentage of students receiving 0-1 referrals (green) Percentage of students receiving 2-5 referrals (yellow) Percentage of students receiving 6 or more referrals
Comparing Percentages of Students in the Green, Yellow, and Red Zones
Next Steps: Tracking Data Comparing academic and behavior data State-Wide Assessment: Classroom Performance: Discipline: Below grade level Basic 6+ referrals 1-5% 1-5% Borderline Approaching grade level 2-5 referrals 5-10% 5-10% Proficient or Advanced On or above grade level 80-90% 80-90% 0-1 referral
STUDENT NAME GRADE Days Absent Days Tardy # Referrals CLASS LEVEL MSA GRADES Last Report Current Read ing Math Reading 1 2 3 4
Red Zone Students: (6+ referrals) Grade # Majors # Minors Total referrals Suspensions Interventions in place PreK 6 Parent conference K 1 5 SST, beh chart, Couns., gradual entry 3 18 21 IEP, FBA, beh chart, CICO, 7 CICO, SST, beh chart, couns. 10 CICO, beh chart,SST, couns 4 8 SST, FBA, CICO, Couns. 12 IEP, FBA, couns interv., beh chart Yellow Zone Students: (2-5 referrals) 2 SST, 504, Couns. Interv. Parent contact, SST requested parent conference, beh chart IEP, couns, beh chart CICO, Couns., beh chart, referred to IEP Parent contact CICO, beh chart, parent contact
Analysis: Review Results of Self-Assessment Staff completed the Self-Assessment at the end of the year Note: change of website: is now Generate the reports using the handout provided Individual Summary Report (one year) Comparative Summary Report (compares years) Analysis of Schoolwide System Report (critical features) Individual Item Scores (item analysis)
Sample of Item Analysis 80 % 15 % 5 % 10. School administrator is an active participant on the behavior support team. 16 % 20 % 64 % 62 % 36 % 2 % 11. Data on problem behavior patterns are collected and summarized within an on-going system. 13 % 34 % 53 % 59 % 12. Patterns of student problem behavior are reported to teams and faculty for active decision-making on a regular basis (e.g. monthly). 14 % 52 % 72 % 28 % 0 % 13. School has formal strategies for informing families about expected student behaviors at school. 19 % 32 % 49 % 41 % 25 % 14. Booster training activities for students are developed, modified, & conducted based on school data. 22 % 45 % 33 %
Analysis: Benchmarks of Quality Review the BOQ completed by your team in April Use the BOQ Planning Form (in your handouts) to guide your thoughts about improvements needed
Consider your School’s Resources Complete the Triangle Activity (included in your handouts) Consider what your school provides students at the Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 levels Consider what your school might want to implement to provide greater support for students
SIT Team * Grade Level/Teacher Teams INTENSIVE TARGETED SIT Team * Grade Level/Teacher Teams IEP Team * Student Support Team * PBIS Team UNIVERSAL Might be a good “DRILL” for your school to look at what your school does for each level – what practices are in place to support Universal Tertiary Targeted Possible a good drill/exercise as a team or entire faculty Are the practices evidence based? Are they successful - how do we know?? What data are we collecting? Groups targeting social skills, friendship, and/or anger management skills School health services Bullying Prevention School counseling services Second Step Student Intervention Plans Schoolwide PBIS Check-in/Check-out FBAs/BIPs Section 504 Plans and/or IEPs Health Education Voluntary State Curriculum Behavioral contracting Alternative programs School-based mental health services Character Education Expanded School Mental Health Initiatives and Interagency Partnerships 36
Have a Vision (aka Your PBIS Action Plan) When you know where you are headed, you can guide students toward their own success. Without a destination in mind and plan how to get there, you may arrive at a place you don’t want to be.
Develop your School PBIS Action Plan Use your data Know your resources Consider your plan for additional interventions Map out your plan (PBIS Action Plan included in your handouts—electronic version available) Develop a schedule of meetings Delineate roles and responsibilities Plan for data analysis and discussion Strengthen your team with multiple levels of talent
Final Considerations We can’t “make” students learn or behave We can create environments to increase the likelihood students learn and behave It is all about providing and supporting the systems so that adults can change their behavior to implement the practices that will bring about change in student behavior SYSTEMS PRACTICES DATA OUTCOMES
Some Final Thoughts on the Road to Success
All of us will have set-backs on the journey
Allow yourself plenty of time to get there
Remember to bring the kids along
Remember, Building a PBIS Continuum is a Marathon not a Sprint
For Additional Information Joan Ledvina Parr PBIS Facilitator / School Psychologist 410-887-1103 Debely Fenstermaker PBIS Coach / School Psychologist 410-887-7566 Margaret Grady Kidder PBIS Coordinator / Coordinator of Psychological Services 410-887-0303