1 SourceOECD Introductory Presentation
2 What is SourceOECD ? The OECD e-library is a unique service that offers online access to all OECD books, reports, annuals, working papers, loose-leaf binders, periodicals and databases. SourceOECD was first launched in November 2000 and now reaches more than institutions in the world. SourceOECD comprises 20 thematic book collections, 24 periodicals, 3 reference titles, 24 OECD statistical databases and 10 IEA statistical databases. It contains more than books, issues of periodicals, 90 millions statistical datapoints.
3 Themes covered by OECD publications Agriculture & Food Development Education & Skills Emerging Economies Employment Energy Environment & Sustainable Development Finance & Investment/Insurance & Pensions General Economics & Future Studies Governance Industry, Services & Trade National Accounts & Historical Statistics Nuclear Energy Science & Information Technology Social Issues/Migration/Health Statistics Sources & Methods Taxation Transition Economies Transport Urban, Rural and Regional Development
4 SourceOECD books and periodicals Delivers all books and periodicals published from January Books are gathered into 20 thematic collections. Periodicals and book themes all have their own home page. Complete A-Z listing of all issues published since Clicking the title to bring up its table of contents.
5 SourceOECD books and periodicals Browse by key titles and by year. Quick Search searches through the series title, title, sub-title and blurb/abstract fields for any publication. Advanced Search searches through the full-text. Free alerting services : be alerted on any one (or more) of the book themes / periodical… Or via the Advanced Search save any searches and be alerted when new titles are added.
6 SourceOECD statistics Gathers the interactive databases section of SourceOECD. Presents 26 statistical databases from the OECD and 10 from the International Energy Agency (IEA). Databases are presented using the Beyond 20/20 software, enabling users to build their own tables, in real time, using the latest available data.
7 SourceOECD statistics Once you’ve opened a database, simply follow the step-by-step prompts through each variable and click on the check-boxes offered to make your choices. When you’ve completed your choices click "View Report" and your table will be displayed. When you’re satisfied with your table, you can export it using Beyond 20/20.ivt format, Excel, or.csv format for easy inclusion in other programs.
8 Key benefits Integrated access to all content (books, periodicals statistics) from OECD available via one search interface Possibility for researchers and students to export and use OECD statistical data as well as to build own tables and diagrams
9 Key benefits Annual, subscription-based services means better budget planning. Even for our book services. Access to back issues and books as far as January Access to the electronic editions is faster – sometimes 6 weeks prior to the print.
10 Key benefits Links from library catalogue systems to both books and periodicals are simple with our EasyLink system. COUNTER-compliant usage statistics accessible by librarian. Archiving : guaranteed online access to previously subscribed books and periodical volumes.
11 Key benefits IP access : access from any terminal on the institution’s computer network. Remote access is available as part of any subscription, and can be set up at any time. Unlimited access : a class of students can all access the same title at the same time. Educators are welcome to include SourceOECD material in course packs.