HIT Toolkit How to Use the Toolkit Health Information Technology Toolkit for Physician Offices
Agenda Stratis Health Purpose of the toolkit Instructions for use Types of tools Parts of the toolkit Use in your environment Tool structure 2
Stratis Health 3 ●Stratis Health is a nonprofit organization that leads collaboration and innovation in health care quality and safety, and serves as a trusted expert in facilitating improvement for people and communities ●Under federal contract, Stratis Health serves as Minnesota’s Medicare Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) ●Stratis Health is also involved in other state and national projects funded through government contracts, foundation and corporate grants, and health systems
Purpose of Toolkit Kick start your HIT and EHR planning Formalize the process Reduce your cost Server as surrogate staff Achieve your HIT and EHR goals 4 General term relating to any use of information technology in health care Specific term referring to the information system applications collectively used by clinicians that support decision making at the point of care
Instructions for Use: Your Dashboard 5
Types of Tools Recorded Webinars –Short (15-20 minute) educational tools –Walk through use of key tools –Introduce key topics for your HIT team, EHR steering committee, staff, community –Stimulate team discussion Survey forms, checklists, comparisons, charts, tip sheets, interview tools, rating forms, other tools Sample job descriptions, policies and procedures, request for proposal, other model documents 6
Adopting Interoperable EHRs AssessPlan Interoperate ReadinessEffective UseImplementSelect Achievement of 2015 Mandate Continuum of EHR Adoption Adopt Exchange Utilize Minnesota Department of Health, February
Parts of the Toolkit: Adopt Tools to help you assess, plan for, and select HIT and EHR –Readiness assessments –Project management aids –Goal setting tools –Instructions on current workflow and process mapping –Support for understanding the HIT marketplace, issuing a request for proposal, and conducting due diligence for selection and contract negotiation 8
Parts of the Toolkit: Utilize Tools for implementing and effectively using HIT and EHR Guides project performance and issues management Supports workflow and process improvement Assists system build, testing, and training Offers strategies for gaining value and effectively using HIT and EHR components in documentation and clinical decision support 9
Parts of the Toolkit: Exchange Tools to assess your readiness for interoperating with other organizations supporting health care Describes health information exchange goals and governance, architectures, data stewardship, technical interoperability issues, and personal health records 10
Tool Structure Purpose –Each tool begins with a brief statement of purpose Instructions for Use –Many tools include specific instructions for use –Some tools are more informative than interactive and may not need instructions for use Notes and illustrations –Some tools include notes to define terms, diagram a concept, or provide references Tool –Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, or Excel –Modifiable 11
Purpose and Instruction 12 Purpose
Examples and Illustrations 13
Tools in Excel 14
Toolkit Consultant Margret Amatayakul RHIA, CHPS, CPHIT, CPEHR, FHIMSS President, Margret\A Consulting, LLC Schaumburg, IL Independent consultant, who focuses on achieving value from electronic health records, HIPAA/HITECH, and health information exchange. Developer of tools in Toolkit Adjunct faculty College of St. Scholastica, Duluth, MN, masters program in health informatics Founder and former executive director Computer-based Patient Record Institute, associate executive director AHIMA, associate professor University of Illinois Active participant in standards development, former HIMSS BOD, and co-founder of and faculty for Health IT Certification 16
For More Support Contact: Stratis Health 2901 Metro Dr., Suite 400 Bloomington, MN (toll free) 17