3 - 6 yearsKindergarten 6 - 15 yearsPrimary school 11/13 - 19 years 15 – 19 years Grammar / vocational school 19 – 25 – 26 yearsUniversity, college.


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Presentation transcript:

3 - 6 yearsKindergarten yearsPrimary school 11/ years 15 – 19 years Grammar / vocational school 19 – 25 – 26 yearsUniversity, college

 Kindegarten is for kids from 3 to 6 years.  It prepares children for school.  Children from 3 to 6 attend kindergartens where they get pre-school education.  Kindergarten in Brno

 In our country compulsory school attendance lasts 9 years.  2 stages : 1st – 5th form, 6th – 9th form  In primary school everybody gets compulsory education.  subjects : Czech language, English, German, Maths, Chemistry, Geography, History, Physics, Art and Biology …

o entrance exam subjects : 1. Maths 2. Czech language 3. General ability tests o Other students aged 15, go to either grammar school or a different type of secondary school ( business, technical, art and other)

 It is also possible to study a craft at a certain type of vocational school to become a craftsman.

 After passing the school-leaving exams you can study at university or college.  There is a requirement to pass entrance tests to become a student of some schools.  Most courses that you have to take end with exams.  The degree the graduates get are a bachelor´s and master´s degree or a doctorate  Education in state schools is free.  The education lasts from 4 to 6 years.

 Every universtiy has its own specialization - architecture, economics, law, journalism, etc.  Famous universities in the Czech Republic: Charles University in Prague Masaryk University in Brno Palacký University in Olomouc  There are also Universities of the Third Age which are for citizens in retirement age (60+ age) who were usually not allowed to study when they were young.

Charles University is the most important university in the Czech Republic and the oldest in Cetral Europe. It was founded by Charles IV in It has 17 faculties and today the school has about 50,000 students. Charles University

Masaryk University is located in Brno. It is a public school which has 9 faculties. Nowadays it even operates a polar station in Antarctica.

 We have 2 principal types of schools – public and private ones.  Private schools – children´s parents usually pay school fees.  Public schools are free.  We have schools which focusses on languages, christianity or sports.  Every school has its own curriculum.  School syllabuses are made by the teachers.

 New state graduation exams in secondary schools. Since 2011 the school-leaving examination has had its state and school parts. Two compulsory school-leaving subjects are: the Czech language, a foreign language (both oral and written state exams), or Maths (only written state exam), school parts are prepared by the school. Optional subjects are two or three, e. g. History, Biology, Physics (usually oral school exams).

 At the end of each term which lasts 5 months, pupils and students get school reports (marks 1-5).  After passing the school-leaving exam they get their certificate.  At universities and colleges students have to pass several exams at the end of each term and at the end of their studies they have to write and defend their dissertation and pass state exams in their specialization.

 Pupils and secondary school students get their reports (marks 1-5)

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