WRITE BITES Early College Campus
Literary Analysis: Using Elements of Literature Students are asked to write literary analysis essays because this type of assignment encourages you to think about how and why a poem, short story, novel, or play was written. To successfully analyze literature, you’ll need to remember that authors make specific choices for particular reasons. Your essay should point out the author’s choices and attempt to explain their significance.
Click Link..Think about SACRIFICE..how did Romeo and Juliet portray this? How about the modern version of Bella and Edward? h.com/media/action/yt/watc h?videoId=W-w3WfgpcGg
Review : TIGER STEPS to Answer Questions ANSWER the QUESTION! PROVE!! your Answer with a Quote. EXPLAIN AND make meaningful CONNECTIONS to your Answer
Read and Write your Response: You will have 10 minutes to write 5-8 lines and make connections to text. One of the most prominent features of Romeo and Juliet is the love the two title characters have for one another. In a number of ways the loved ones passion for each other demonstrates the practice of "courtly love." Identifying some of the aspects of courtly love can also highlight the similarities between the relationship between Romeo and Juliet and modern youthful romantic relationships. Courtly love flourished during the Middle Ages and influenced Renaissance literature. Traditionally, the system of courtly love defined a code of behavior for couples in love. QUESTION??? love is...?? Explain how today love can be seen in characters we read about in books, plays, theatre. How is their love different or similar in comparison to Romeo and Juliet? Bella and Edward? Explain your answer.