Women of Grace and Beauty I Peter 3:1-7
Mother’s Day Men and Women created uniquely Both created in the image of God Genesis 1:27 You are beautiful because God is beautiful- Psalm 96:9
You Create as God Creates Eve- The mother of all living Genesis 3:20 We are all children of Eve We all have mothers There is no higher calling- “that’s all you do?”
Uniquely Created as a Beautiful Gentle Helper Genesis 2:18 A helper is not less than The Holy Spirit- John 14:16 John 15:26 John 16:7 Not hierarchical – never dominance Matthew 20:26 Beautiful submission out of love Philippians 2:7-8 Beautiful gentle spirit-v.4 Matthew 5:5
Developing Your Inner Beauty/Holiness v.3-4 Our focus on outward beauty Focus more on inner beauty Proverbs 4:23 Matthew 15:20 Inner beauty is lasting and valuable beauty- Proverbs 31:10 I Samuel 16:7 Beauty precious to God! v.4
Beauty in Modesty I Timothy 2:9-10 Less is more Humility and a gentle spirit are beautiful and strong-v.4 Modesty is not prudishness
Beautiful Disciplers and Teachers Older Women- Younger Women Titus 2:3-7
Beautiful and Powerful in Prayer Hannah – I Samuel 1:10 Anna- 89 years old- Luke 2: 37 John Newton
No Fear! v.6 I John 4:18 Haggai 1:6 Beautiful Joint Heirs of Grace and Life! V.7