Lesson 18 – Seeking Control…Finding Chaos – Coping in a Wicked World Ecclesiastes 7:1 – 29 Brian K. Davis February 1, 2012 Seeking Answers A Study in Ecclesiastes.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 18 – Seeking Control…Finding Chaos – Coping in a Wicked World Ecclesiastes 7:1 – 29 Brian K. Davis February 1, 2012 Seeking Answers A Study in Ecclesiastes

Where Are We and Why Are We Here? Focus Thesis: “All is Vanity” Proof: “Life is Vain” Counsel: “Fear God” PlaceUniverse (“Under the Sun”) Topics Subject Declaration of Vanity Sermons Demonstration of Vanity Summary Deliverance from Vanity Divisions Introduction of Vanity Illustration of Vanity Proof from Experiences Proof from Observations Coping in a Wicked World Counsel for Uncertainty Conclusion: Fear and Obey God 1:11:11 1:126:127:112:14 1:1 – 1:31:4 – 1:113:1 – 6:121:12 – 2:26 7:1 – 9:18 10:1 – 12:8 12:9 – 12:14

Here We Are - An Overview of Chapter 7 The first half of chapter seven offers "counsel for better living” with a series of comparisons. For example, honor is better than luxury, your day of death is better than your day of birth, a funeral is better than a party, etc. His estimation of what is better may often sound strange, but it comes from who has learned from both experience as well as inspiration (1-14). The second half of the chapter offers "counsel for balanced living." There are challenging and difficult statements which should be understood in their context, and in the context of the Bible as a whole. It appears the Preacher is mainly warning against extremism, and against the presumption that one can find the answer to every question in life (15-29). Solomon has shared his search for meaning (1:1-2:24) and observations gleaned from his search (3:1-6:12) – His conclusions time and again:  Life "under the sun" is vanity - 1:2,14; 2:11  Yet there is good that one can do, provided one is blessed by God - 2:24-26; 5:18-20

Counsel for Better Living Honor is Better Than Luxury (1a) Proverbs 22:1 - A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, loving favor rather than silver and gold. Day of One’s Death is Better Than One’s Birthday (1b) Birth is the beginning of labor, sorrow and trouble – Jeremiah 20:14-18; Job 14:1 For the truly wise, the day of one’s death is the start of eternal bliss – Revelations 14:13 – ‘Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.’ “Yes,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them.” A Funeral is Better Than a Party (2-4) Reminds the living that this life is temporary Consider Psalm 90:12 – So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. A Rebuke of the Wise is Better Than the Song of Fools (5-7) Rebuke, with a view to repentance and renewal of spirit, is a characteristics of God’s Word – Titus 2:15 Crackling of Thorns under a Pot – meaning less to the cooking process – laughter is temporary Oppression destroys a wise man’s reason and Bribe-taking leads to compromise and corruption

Counsel for Better Living The End is Better Than the Beginning (8a) Similar to what we have already seen regarding birth and death - cf. Ecclesiastes 7:1 Not all that starts has an end; in the completion of a task one finds satisfaction Patience is Better Than Pride (8b-9) The patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit Do not be hasty to be angry, for anger rests in the bosom of fools Present is Better Than the Past (10) We should not say "why were the former days better?“ – remember the good ole days? One is not wise in thinking in such a manner Wisdom is Better Than Wealth (11-12) Wisdom along with an inheritance is good, and profitable for the living Wisdom is a defense like money, but wisdom gives life to those who have it Resignation is Better Than Indignation (13-14) There are some things of God we cannot change – “crooked” God has appointed both the day of prosperity and the day of adversity, so man is unable to determine what will happen from one day to the next The solution? a. In the day of prosperity be joyful b. In the day of adversity - Consider: What lessons might be learned from this?

Righteous perishes and the Wicked man may prolongs his days (15) Self-righteous vs. Wickedness (16-17) Self-righteous – Luke 18:9-14 – Humble yourself and God will exalt you Setting a high bar and measuring others against it – Consider Matthew 7:1-5 God does not approve of Wickedness – but He is long-suffering! Fear God and escape (18) – The fear of the Lord is… (Proverbs 9:10) and Wisdom strengthen the wise (19) Not a just man on earth (20) – Romans 3:23 - ‘All have sinned and fall short…’ Do not take to heart everything you hear (21-22) – James 3:8-10 Wisdom alone is not the Answer (23-29) Wisdom cannot answer some things – there are things beyond one’s ability to find regardless how hard and long you search – Job helps us understand this A woman whose heart is snares and nets and hands are chains is more bitter than death – Proverbs 7:6-27 – Men Guard Yourself! All of the searching and adding one thing to another – finding a good man was rare (1 in 1000) and a good women even more rare Here is what Solomon did find – God made man upright; but man and his free will have created schemes in search of meaning in life! Counsel for Balanced Living

Life is a Balancing Act Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.