Different genres, different conventions Romeo and Juliet Multigenre Exploration
CREATIVE GENRE OPTIONS Poetry Song Lyrics Sketch Collage Painting Short Story Board Game or Trivial Pursuit with Answers and Rules Fairy Tale Dialogue of a Conversation among Two or More People Picture book Pop-Up book Metaphorical map (Like a “map” of someone’s heart or someone’s life) Comic Strip or Graphic Novel excerpt
What are some things that appear in CREATIVE types of genres?
CREATIVE genre conventions Visual components Imaginative/fictional/poetic Artistic Abstract Figurative language (ex. Metaphor, simile, personification) Shows emotion Can be comical Story/character-oriented Entertaining
BUSINESS GENRE OPTIONS Business Letter or Correspondence/Memo/Business e-mail Lab or crime report Talk Show Interview or Panel Brochure or Newsletter Time Line or Chain of Events Magazine or TV Advertisement or Infomercial How-To or Directions Booklet Receipts, Applications, Deeds, Budgets or Other Official Documents Power Point Presentation Informational Video Web Site Letter to the Editor News Program Story or Announcement
What are some things that appear in BUSINESS types of genres?
BUSINESS genre conventions Must conform to a correct format Informational Fact or opinion based Usually meant to inform or guide Associated with a career Must be clear Often serious in tone Can include charts or graphs
ACADEMIC GENRE OPTIONS Essay based on philosophical questions (Ex. Does true love exist?) Biographical Essay Book/film review Literary analysis Comparison essay Written Speech or Debate dialogue Historical Context Research Essay Encyclopedia Article (Ex. “Capulet” defined) Textbook Article (Ex. “The topic of youth in Romeo and Juliet”) Character Analysis or Case Study Lesson Plan (how to teach a class of students about your topic as it appears in the book)
What are some things that appear in ACADEMIC types of genres?
ACADEMIC genre conventions/options Fits the context of high school or college classes Uses textual evidence to support claims Interprets/analyzes MLA format for essays Grammar/spelling important Show off what you know Goes beyond the obvious/shows critical thinking
PERSONAL GENRE OPTIONS Journal Entries Personal Letter Greeting Card Schedule/Things to Do List Facebook profile Set of 10 tweets Room design (describe how character’s room looks, what’s in it, etc.) Classified or Personal Ads (to sell something, find love, or advertise something else) Recipe and description of family tradition Wedding, Graduation or Special Event Invitation Obituary, Eulogy or Tribute
What are some things that appear in PERSONAL types of genres?
PERSONAL genre conventions/options Focuses on personal feelings/beliefs Informal Possibly meant to never be read by anyone other than the author Part of daily life Reflective/confessional