Integrating Dublin Core/RDF records with MARC21 via the OCLC Connexion service at the Centre for Digital Library Research Gordon Dunsire Presented at the META-LIB final workshop Oct 2002, Frankfurt
Overview The Centre for Digital Library Research Some thoughts on metadata creation OCLC Connexion Workflows for metadata creation An example in MARC21, DC and RDF Some problems Conclusion
Centre for Digital Library Research Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Scotland Formed in Summer 1999 "… seeks to combine theory with practice in innovative ways …" Manages a range of projects and test-bed services
Some CDLR projects INveStigating Portals for Information Resources And Learning (INSPIRAL) High Level Thesaurus (HILT) Electronic Books ON-screen Interface (EBONI) Harvesting Institutional Resources in Scotland Testbed (HAIRST) …
Some CDLR services BUBL Scottish Collections Network (SCONE) Co-operative Information Retrieval Network for Scotland (CAIRNS) Confederation of Scottish Mini-Clumps (CoSMiC) …
Metadata projects Several, but two of particular interest to this presentation: East Dunbartonshire permanent digital archive –Methods and workflows for creating local digital collections Glasgow Digital Library –Methods, etc. and services for a co-operative digital library
Metadata creation Determine descriptive content –Can be more difficult that with print objects –Item level for individual objects –Collection level for all objects Determine headings for retrieval –Again, item and collection level Create structured metadata record in repository Export metadata as required
Item-level issues Descriptive elements best formulated with local expertise –E.g. local history materials Preliminary record creation can be restricted to item-level elements –Can be offline, say to MSAccess
Collection-level issues Descriptive elements and associated headings which apply to all items –E.g. copyright statement; 'series' title; placename heading Possibility of (semi) automated addition to item metadata –E.g. using templates during preliminary creation, or via software afterwards
Interoperability of headings Improved by using authority files More effective and efficient if authority files are integrated with metadata repository Less effective if authority files are difficult to maintain –New headings more frequent with digital objects
OCLC Connexion Formerly CORC (+) Consortium subscription hosted by CDLR CDLR developing collaborative authority maintenance via NACO and SACO –In partnership with Strathclyde University Library and National Library of Scotland OCLC also collaborating with other projects –E.g. HILT with DDC terminologies
Connexion Facilities for creation and mapping of metadata in Dublin Core and/or MARC21 format for digital resources –Only MARC21 records stored in WorldCat "Constant data" (template) facilities for DC and MARC21 Integrated with WebDewey, LCSH and LCNAF, etc.
Possible workflows (1) Create item-level descriptive and heading elements locally using MSAccess forms Add collection-level metadata automatically using MSAccess query or Visual Basic Create Dublin Core tags from MSAccess using Visual Basic Embed DC in digital object
Possible workflows (2) Create Connexion MARC21 template for collection-level metadata Use template to create item-level record Control MARC21 headings against authority files Store MARC21 record in WorldCat Reformat to DC for export
Possible workflows (3) Create item-level metadata locally … Export in DC format … Embed tags in temporary HTML documents and link to list of URLs (<100) Use Connexion to harvest DC tags Reformat to MARC21, apply constant data (template), control headings … Export in RDF format …
Example: Resource
Example: MARC $c Angus Mackay. 260 [Glasgow]: $b [Centre for Digital Library Research], $c HTML Title: Aspect: Angus MacKay, Scottish Labour Party candidate, Edinburgh South, GDL: Glasgow Digital Library. 522 Constituency: Edinburgh South Edinburgh (Scotland) …
Example: DC (HTML) …
Example: RDF Angus Mackay Constituency: Edinburgh South [Centre for Digital Library Research], [Glasgow]: 1999 HTML Title: Aspect: Angus MacKay, Scottish Labour Party candidate, Edinburgh South, …
Some problems MARC21 => DC/RDF is lossy –Local MARC tags will be dropped! DC => MARC21 usually requires adding MARC tags after conversion Controlling DC headings for interoperability requires import to Connexion, then re-export Adding constant data in Connexion requires mediation and can only be applied to one record at a time
Conclusion OCLC Connexion offers a useful set of tools for format conversion and authority control which can be used flexibly in combination with external tools Different workflows can be employed to optimise the use of local expertise in a global environment and reduce the need for retroconversion of legacy metadata in the future.
Thank you And thanks to Alan Dawson of the GDL project for invaluable assistance in preparing this presentation CDLR: GDL: East Dunbartonshire project report: Connexion: Me: