ANKOS MEETING, 6-7 JUNE 2003, METU, ANKARA, TURKEY INTRODUCTION Euromonitor i) Company Profile ii) Products & services Global Market Information Database (GMID) i) What it is ii) How it works iii) How it can benefit your library users iv) Who uses GMID Conclusion System Demonstration
ANKOS MEETING, 6-7 JUNE 2003, METU, ANKARA, TURKEY EUROMONITOR The Leading global market intelligence provider We were established in 1972 Core focus is the fast moving consumer goods market Worldwide network of researchers in 70 countries backed by analysts based in our offices in London, Chicago and Singapore Independent company and that gives us access to key sources of company, country and market data.
ANKOS MEETING, 6-7 JUNE 2003, METU, ANKARA, TURKEY PRODUCTS & SERVICES Business Reference (Books & Databases) Country & Market Statistics, company rankings & profiles and Information Sources Strategic Market Analysis In depth industry reports providing expert market analysis. Key to gaining complete understanding of a market and factors driving growth Research Consultancy Ad-hoc client research
ANKOS MEETING, 6-7 JUNE 2003, METU, ANKARA, TURKEY GLOBAL MARKET INFORMATION DATABASE (GMID) This is a unique online information system providing statistics, market reports, company profiles and Information Sources from 1977 to 2016 for: Over 200 Countries 500 consumer, industrial and service markets 1,500 lifestyle indicators Over 500 company share rankings 35,000 Information Sources More than 4,500 full-text reports
ANKOS MEETING, 6-7 JUNE 2003, METU, ANKARA, TURKEY HOW IT WORKS Internet accessed database online product which is accessible everywhere IP address and/or username & passwords this will allows the library to arrange campus access using IP recognition, and outside the campus, using passwords. Report builder ideal tool to distribute data to colleagues and customise search results by selecting the country, lifestyle and market information of interest.
ANKOS MEETING, 6-7 JUNE 2003, METU, ANKARA, TURKEY HOW IT WORKS (CONTINUED) Export data Easy to incorporate GMID data into your own reports & Models and export to Excel (statistics), Word and PDF. Integration of information GMID is fully integrated into a simple search hierarchy, making it easy to navigate between data types.
ANKOS MEETING, 6-7 JUNE 2003, METU, ANKARA, TURKEY HOW IT CAN BENEFIT YOUR LIBRARY USERS Unique database with its comprehensive high quality market research it will provide an invaluable support to international business, marketing and MBA programs Compare trends worldwide standardized data & analysis for all countries based on consistent definitions Single source saves time A huge range of data and analysis within a single easy to use system
ANKOS MEETING, 6-7 JUNE 2003, METU, ANKARA, TURKEY HOW IT CAN BENEFIT YOUR LIBRARY USERS (continued) Access the latest Information we are continually researching new data, as soon as new research is completed it is available on the database Accurate & Accountable 30 years’ experience researching international markets makes it possible for us to be transparent with our data sources and happy to provide access to research and help clients understand our data. Cost Effective Solution GMID offers academic libraries access to the same data used by the world’s major multi-nationals at a fraction of the cost.
ANKOS MEETING, 6-7 JUNE 2003, METU, ANKARA, TURKEY WHO USES GMID Over 250 Academic Institutions worldwide use GMID including: 10 of Top 15 European Business Schools 14 of Top 15 Business Schools worldwide Academic Consortia agreements in: UK Denmark France Australia Pan-European + others
ANKOS MEETING, 6-7 JUNE 2003, METU, ANKARA, TURKEY CONCLUSION Euromonitor The Leading provider for global market intelligence Over 30 years experience researching consumer markets Global Market Information Database (GMID) a powerful reference tool for any academic institution. It will support a wide range of projects including: Country, consumer and market research International Business Case Studies Scenario planning MBA programs Comparative analysis