Library Entering into Tsinghua University Library Prof. Sun Ping Li Jing-hua Tsinghua University Library
5 content 1. library basics 2. library services 3. library catalogs 4. databases on business & economics 5. databases, full-text e-journals & e-books 6. database searching basics 7. using Online Personal Database and Bibliography Creator
6 1. library basics Library homepage Library homepage Library homepage (English Version) Main Library buildings Main Library buildings Old library + new library building Library hours Library hours Library collections Library collections Printed resources: books, periodicals… … E-resources online databases E-journals E-books Audio-video materials
7 1. library basics Circulation policies for students Circulation policies for students Books Borrowing: Loan quota: 20 items Hold quota: 1 item (For checked-out books only) General loan Period: 4 weeks Short time loan Foreign Languages Books Reading Room: 7 days Book renewal: 1 time ( + 4 weeks ) Borrowing materials for books only, not for reference books/periodicals/audio-video materials
8 1. library basics Main library + 6 branch libraries6 branch libraries Library of School of Economics and Management Law School Library Humanities Library * Humanities Library Arts Library Architecture Library Medical library * * for all students on campus University campus map
9 2. library services Reference desk Reference desk reference: face-to-face reference: New library hall, 2/F telephone reference, Phone No: online chat reference Ask a Librarian ( English version ) Ask a Librarian Interlibrary loan ( ILL ) Interlibrary loan Borrowing books or coping articles etc. from local and oversea libraries
10 3. library catalogs Books, periodicals, audio-video discs, e- journals or other materials … … you can find them via the catalogs: OPAC OPAC: Online Public Access Catalog OPAC OPAC (English version) online catalog OPAC (English version) OPAC Access points TITLE Keywords Keyword Author SUBJECT Call Number Doc Number ISBN/ISSN
11 3. library catalogs From OPAC Search results page, you can know: Location (馆藏地点) Call number / Vol. number (索书号) Status (馆藏状态) On shelf ( = available, 在架上 ) lib use only ( 馆内阅览, e.g. reference books) Due Date ( = checked out, 已出借, due date ) In cataloging (编目中) Just return (borrowing it 24 hours later) Request (book reserve, 预约图书 ) For checked-out books only
12 3. library catalogs View patron personal circulation record View Patron Record You need to fill in Your name (for Chinese characters only) Barcode (10 digitals on your IC card) PIN (PIN: Personal Identification Number ; Self create, 6~8 digitals or characters, KEEP REMEMBER YOUR PIN !!) Then you can do To check the list of checked-out books To check books return date (Due date) To renew books (once only, +4 weeks ) To view or cancel reserves
13 3. library catalogs For example: Search for Title: An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations Author : Adam Smith
14 Type in the book title Step1: Search the OPAC
15 Click and view details Step2: V VV View the title list
16 view detailed record Step3: view detailed record Due date This Item was checked out, so request it!
17 Request of checked-out item Fill in Step 1:
18 Request of checked-out item select Step 2:
19 Fill in View your personal record
20 ViewPersonal Circulation Record View Personal Circulation Record Click and view your requested book
21 4. databases on business & economics users visiting the library e-resources should be authorized with campus IP on-campus users Login through: TUNetTUNet –Download TUNet logoTUNet logo off-campus users Input your Name/Password ( same as your network login id/pwd )
22 databases on business & economics Title Description ABI/Inform --ProQuest Search nearly 1800 worldwide business periodicals for in-depth coverage of business and economic conditions, management techniques, theory, and practice of business, marketing, economics, human resources, finance, and more. Fast access to information on 60,000 + companies with business and executive profiles. SSCI The Social Sciences Citation Index is a multidisciplinary index to the journal literature of the social sciences present CSA -- EconLit Published by the American Economic Association, provides bibliographic coverage of a wide range of economics-related literature , Document type: book , dissertation , journal , working paper JSTOR More than 60 full-text titles in economics and finance,
23 databases on business & economics Title Description Elsevier SDOL More than 80 full-text titles in economics and finance, EBSCO-- Business Source Premier provides to both browse and search for country economic data, company profiles, industry information and market research, Emerald provides access to 110 full text journals and reviews from the top 300 management journals FirstSearch -- WilsonSelectPlus Provides indexed and abstracted records with accompanying full-text periodical articles in science, humanities, education and business
24 databases on business & economics Title Description CSA -- Management & Organization Studies Nearly 40 full-text titles in economics and finance Gale -- Business and Company Resource Center (BCRC) BCRC database coverage company profiles, brand information, rankings, investment reports, company histories, chronologies and periodicals. Predicast's PROMT database integrated into BCRC database. Search PROMT to find detailed company and industry news and information. Gale -- PROMT
25 databases on business & economics Title Description 中国期刊网 (Chinese Academic Journal) CNKI : National Knowledge Infrastructure, 5300 Chinese Full-text E-Journals 中国财经报刊数据库 (China Economic Database) Over 300 local and oversea journals 高校财经数据库 (China InfoBank) 中国经济新闻库, China business news 中国商业报告库, China business reports 中国统计数据库, China statistics 中宏数据库教育版 ( ) full-text titles in economics and finance.
26 5. databases, fulltext e-journals & e-books Database Navigation System (数据库导航系统) Database Navigation System Electronic Full-text Journal Navigation System (西文电子 期刊导航) Electronic Full-text Journal Navigation System E-books ( 中外文电子图书 ) E-books Ebrary NetLibrary Encyclopedia Britannica Online E-dissertations E-dissertations
27 Database and e-journal navigation page
28 6. Searching basic STEPS: Analyzing your topic Choosing search terms (e.g. keywords) browsing index (topics, publications) Selecting search options Basic search advanced search Selecting search fields Using Boolean logic Refining results Download/print/ /export/save documents
29 6. Searching basic For example: ABI/INFORM (商业经济信息数据库)ABI/INFORM Search options Basic search Advanced search Search topic : talented staff in human resource Search query: “Human resource” within citation and abstract (field) “Talented staff ” within document title (field)
30 Homepage => Electronic Resources => ABI How to find this page ABI/INFORM database on ProQuest Platform
31 Type your query and select the search field
32 Then get the article title list
33 View the full-text
34 7. Using Online Personal Database and Bibliography Creator Using Bibliography Creator , you can Creating yourself Database Importing references from many data sources Organizing and Editing Records Finding References Creating a Bibliography in different document formats (Word, RTF, HTML, etc.) RefWorks RefWorks EndNote Web EndNote Web
35 Welcome visit Library Guide for Freshman (in Chinese)
Welcome to the Library Contact: Li Jing-hua Tel: