- With Caya Munro Personal Transformation Coach
“As Creator of your world, your mind is your paint brush, your emotions are your paints and your life is your work of art. Become masterful of your tools and manifest a master-piece.”
Visio-spatial intelligence (art, design) Entrepreneurial intelligence (business start-ups) Physical or Kinaesthetic intelligence (sports) Musical Intelligence (playing musical instruments, writing music) Interpersonal intelligence (getting along well with others) Intrapersonal intelligence (understanding yourself at a deep level) Intuitive intelligence (ability to sense the right thing to do or so) Artistic Intelligence (creating works of art) Abstract intelligence (physics, science) Emotional Intelligence (emotions and feelings) Spiritual Intelligence (Spiritual awareness and connection)
What is your biggest dream? What is it that you want most in life? What is the most far-fetched dream you’ve had? What are the activities that give you your greatest sense of meaning and purpose in life? What do you want to improve in your life? What do you need to become the happiest person in the world? If everything was just as you wished it to be, what would be happening? What would achieving this mean to you? How would you feel? What are you thinking? How is your life different? How happy would you be on a scale from 1-10 if you achieved this?
What do you value the most in life? From this list of values write down your most important five.
Are you satisfying each of these values every day? Write how next to each. Which ones are you not fulfilling? How can you fulfil them more? Look back at your goals~ do they satisfy and match your values? Are there any goals that don’t? Ask yourself is this really what you want or what you think you should want? Replace any goals that now don’t feel right with ones that match your values and that do feel right.
What is it that is stopping you from realising your BIG VISION? Why have you not achieved it yet? What limiting beliefs (negative thoughts) do you hold about yourself that are preventing you from doing the things you really want to do in life? Write them down. Where have these come from? (You parents? Teachers? Your peers? Your Boss? Your Ex?) How would they feel if they knew that they were the only thing stopping you from living your best life, the life that you REALLY want to be living? “ All Beliefs are learned and therefore can be unlearned” Brian Tracy What would you do different if you did not have these limiting beliefs? Now next to your limiting beliefs (negative thoughts) that you have written down, change them to say the opposite. For example: I AM NOT INTELLIGENT ENOUGH TO BE SUCCESSFUL Change it to : I AM INTELLIGENT, COMPENTANT, CONFIDENT AND SUCCESSFUL
“Abundance isn’t something you achieve, it’s something you tap into” “When you are grateful fear disappears and abundance appears.” Anthony Robbins
Abundance is my birth right and claiming it means I AM ONE with the Universal power of co-creation I easily attract all the abundance, love and joy that I need. I am a powerful being who manifests any amount of money I desire. I joyfully share the blessings in my life with others. My life is overflowing with abundance. I am a responsible creator of the universe and I attract abundance into my life with every breath My heart is open and I fully embrace the abundance that has already blessed my life I embrace the idea that abundance is meant for everyone including me. I inspire others to live more abundant lives because my life is filled with abundance. I am blessed with many kinds of abundance; tangible and intangible. I deeply treasure my life exactly as it is right now, and this brings more abundance into my life.
Unique Genius Big Vision, Values and Limiting Beliefs 5 Steps To Abundance Tapped into Frequency of Abundance Positive Affirmations Abundance Journal
“As Creator of your world, your mind is your paint brush, your emotions are your paints and your life is your work of art. Become masterful of your tools and manifest a master-piece.”
~ Path To Abundance, Inc. Reprogram your Money Frequency Workbook ~ ~ Lead the Field- Earl Nightingale ~ Goals, Brian Tracy ~ The Coaching Academy ~ John Whitmore, Coaching for Performance ~ The Secret, Rhonda Byrne