6 th Annual Focus Users’ Conference 6 th Annual Focus Users’ Conference Focus Reporting Presented by: Lauren Velazquez Presented by: Lauren Velazquez
Built-In & Advanced Reports
Agenda: Built In Reports o Students menu o Users menu o Scheduling menu o Grades menu o Assessment menu o Attendance menu o Discipline menu Advanced Reports o Student vs User Advanced Reports o Search Criteria & Available Fields o Modifying the Report o Filtering the Report o Updating Student Information o Saving the Report o Accessing saved reports o Modifying/Filtering a saved report o Printing the Report o Deleting the Report Built-In & Advanced Reports
Built-In Reports – Students Menu Students Menu Add/Drop Report - View a full listing of each student enrollment dropped or added during a time frame you specify. This report can be used to filter on: A specific date range A specific enrollment code A specific withdrawal code
Built-In Reports – Students Menu Students Menu Student Breakdown - This report will give users access to column, pie and list charts on all types of student data. Student fields that have pull-down, radio button or checkbox options are available in the list of fields. Computed student fields are also available. The breakdown can be done at two levels. The list can be exported to Excel. Clicking on Advanced will bring up a search box that allows users to search within the results. New in 7.0.X: Graphs now appear horizontally rather than vertically for better viewing.
Built-In Reports – Students Menu Students Menu Student Form Records – Specify a date range and search for form records including: Requests for Services, IHP’s, Medication Administrations, and Transfer Requests. The purpose of the Student Form Records feature is to provide access to various student forms, such as medical forms or documentation from parent meetings. This Report provides a summary of forms used with students
Built-In Reports – Students Menu Students Menu Audit Trail - The audit trail allows users to specify a timeframe and see a record of what aspect of the student’s record was accessed, the names of students, which user made the changes, the date on which the changes were made, and which information was added or modified. This includes: Posted grades Discipline Student Demographic data Attendance data Student schedule information
Built-In Reports – Users Menu Users Menu User Form Records - Provides a list of user form record requests. Examples of user form records include: PD In-service Request Form, medical forms, or documentation from parent meetings. This report provides a list of staff where form records were created
Built-In Reports – Users Menu Users Menu User Breakdown - Provides a breakdown of user data with user fields within Focus. The report can report on all staff fields that have pull-down, radio button or checkbox options are available to in the list of fields The breakdown can be done at two levels The list can be exported to Excel
Built-In Reports – Users Menu Users Menu Audit Trail - The user audit trail shows any users who have made changes to students’ records, including what aspect of the student’s record was accessed, the names of students, which user made the changes, the date on which the changes were made, and which information was added or modified. The report can be run by user – this will show each screen viewed or edited by the user The report can be run by Module – this will show any user that has viewed or edited the select module (menu option)
Built-In Reports – Users Menu Users Menu Focus University Course Completion - Allows an administrator to track user completion of Focus University courses. This report shows users who have completed courses, users who have incomplete courses, a combination of both, or users who have not started any courses and have no completion data. Focus University portal blocks must be configured Users must access Focus University Courses from within Focus to trigger course completion Courses will be assigned based on profile rights
Built-In Reports – Users Menu Users Menu Verify Parent Accounts – Allows Administrators to easily review parent account setup requests. This allows Users to either accept or reject the parent’s account request. Accepting the request will enable the parent’s account, allowing them to access their child’s information via the Focus Parent Portal. System preferences to allow parents to update information must be turned on Options for fields available for parents to update need to be setup up
Built-In Reports – Scheduling Menu Scheduling Menu The Scheduling Menu is made of four key sections for reports: Requests Reports – student requests and course requests Builder Reports – compares requests to sections built to help drive decisions when building the master schedule Loading Reports – identifies students with incomplete or conflicting schedules Scheduling Reports – includes reports in various views for the teacher schedule as well as the ability to print student schedules Details on all scheduling reports will be covered in the scheduling sessions.
Built-In Reports – Grades Menu Grades Menu Course History/Final Grades, GPA, and Class Rank – Displays students’ final grades for any course in their schedule, percentage scores, credits, GPA, teacher name, rank in class, and whether the course is required for graduation. If applicable, this report also indicates clock hours, industry certifications, program codes, and vocational points. Users can also see a snapshot of adult education student’s program code, program title, earned OCP’s, earned hours, attended hours, required hours, and percentage completed. The tab defaults to course history grades Quarter grades are available – tab will reflect quarter selected in upper right pull-down Exam grades are available on respective tab Semester grades are respective grades are available on respective tab Progress Report Grades are available if the school/district choses to post progress report grades
Built-In Reports – Grades Menu Grades Menu Teacher Completion – Shows teachers who have not posted grades. On this report administrators have the option to post grades for the teachers by clicking the red X’s. This report should be run as the posting window draws near the closing date and time. Decisions should be made at the district or school level for when teachers do not meet the posting deadline: Is the window reopened? Does the office post for the teachers? Does the office pull grades for these teachers?
Built-In Reports – Grades Menu Grades Menu Grade Breakdown – Lists all teachers and how many of each letter grade (A, B, C, D, I) they have given. Grade break down can be viewed by: Teacher Teacher and Courses Teacher and Sections Grade Breakdown can be viewed for posted quarter, semester, year or exam grades or for the current gradebook grade averages.
Built-In Reports – Grades Menu Grades Menu Missing Final Grades – Displays the names of all students missing grades in courses for the selected marking period. This report displays the names of students, student ID numbers, grade level, and the course name and period in which the students are missing final grades. This report should be run after teacher completion and grade posting/pulling is complete The enrolled data is important on this report as district policy may indicate grades are not required when a student has enrolled at the end of a marking period
Built-In Reports – Grades Menu Grades Menu Teacher Gradebook Usage - Use this report to analyze how and when teachers are using the grade book. This report tracks information on: number of assignments recent due dates recent created assignments recent grade changes. Used to monitor gradebook usage before progress reports and report cards.
Built-In Reports – Grades Menu Grades Menu Gradebook Grades - Provides a bird’s eye view of any student’s scores on categories of assignments and a detailed, comprehensive record of each student’s performance. Used by counselors when meeting with students Allows the ability to drill down into a specific course and see assignments and grades
Built-In Reports – Grades Menu Grades Menu Print Grades Verification Sheets - The Print Grades Verification Sheets compares teachers’ Gradebook grades to the Posted Grades, and can be printed for teachers to sign, verifying that their Posted Grades are correct. Teachers can print verification sheets Office can print verification sheets to include comments Discrepancies between gradebook and posted grades appear in red
Built-In Reports – Grades Menu Grades Menu Graduation Requirements Report - Gives users comprehensive information on students’ progress toward satisfying graduation requirements. Displays a listing of students with credits remaining toward graduation, as well as the graduation requirements categories and credits remaining to be taken in each category. If multiple Graduation Requirements have been setup, these will display as additional tabs. Determining Factors for the Graduation Requirements Report: Graduation plan setup – credits required per subject area Graduation plan setup on the student enrollment record Graduation subjects attached to records in course history Green check indicates student has met the requirement Green check with hour glass means the student is in progress to meet the requirement Number indicates remain credits needed to meet the requirement
Built-In Reports – Assessment Menu Assessment Menu Reports in the assessment menu allow the user to: See test history for a single student See school-wide test history for a specific test View longitudinal test data for state tests and growth between tests College Readiness Summary data for proficiency by teacher or grade level The Assessment Menu will be covered in more detail in the Performance Reports and Test History Session.
Built-In Reports - Attendance Menu Attendance Menu Administration - After teachers take attendance in Focus, administrators can evaluate daily and period-by-period attendance records and make any changes, using the Attendance Administration function. This option can be accessed through the portal page by clicking on Attendance Administration or on the link XX teachers have not taken attendance X indicated the teachers and periods attendance has not been taken Check the box to see which teachers have taken attendance late Click on the red X to take attendance for the teacher Click on the teachers name to see all the days the teachers has not taken attendance
Built-In Reports – Attendance Menu Attendance Menu Print Absence Summary - Allows the user to create letters or send s to parents and students giving a summary of all absences between a specific date range. Absence summary displays the students daily and period codes on the same screen along with an explanation of the codes Comments can be viewed or added on this screen Multiple periods and days for a student can be updated through this report
Built-In Reports – Attendance Menu Attendance Menu Print Verification Sheets - This report is useful to print out for teachers to have them verify that their student attendance is accurate, or as a blank attendance sheet for substitute teachers. Options available: Print verification sheets for all or a subset of teachers or one teacher Print verification sheets for selected or all periods Print a signature line on verification sheets Print Sub sheets by day or date range for one or more teachers Codes on verification sheets - not enrolled in school * not enrolled in classP marked present for the class ? Attendance not taken for the classOther attendance codes marked for the student
Built-In Reports – Discipline Menu Discipline Menu Students with Referrals - Identifies students and the number of discipline referrals accrued. A report timeframe may be specified. This may be useful for RTI/MTSS purposes. The report by default will show all students with at least one referral Determine the date range and number of referrals that is the threshold
Built-In Reports – Discipline Menu Discipline Menu Breakdown by Student Field - Provides graphic representations of conduct data, enabling administrators to more easily chart or track trends in discipline referrals based on specific Student Demographic Fields. Caution – distributions should be looked at in relationship to the number of students in the subgroup selected. Example: Boys have twice the referrals as girls; there are twice the number of boys in the school as girls – the data is then not surprising.
Built-In Reports – Discipline Menu Discipline Menu Category Breakdown - Provides graphic representations of conduct data, enabling administrators to more easily chart or track trends in discipline referrals. The categories within this report come from the referral form where the data type is a pull-down, checkbox or select one option. The report can be used to determine school-wide discipline issues to address with staff. The breakdown can be done at two levels. The list can be exported to Excel. Clicking on Advanced will bring up a search box that allows users to search within the results. New in 7.0.X: Graphs now appear horizontally rather than vertically for better viewing.
Built-In Reports – Discipline Menu Discipline Menu Referral Log - Enables administrators to generate Referral reports on individual students, suitable for sending to parents or for counseling sessions with students. Creates one PDF file of all referrals for a student Select Criteria to be included in the report
Advanced Reports Student vs User Advanced Reports Advanced Reports are available through both the Students menu and the Users menu. Students Menu o Allows users to run an advanced report based on Student information and Student fields. User fields are not available through this function. Users Menu o Allows users to run an advanced report based on User information and User fields. Student fields are not available through this function.
Advanced Reports Search Criteria & Available Fields More Search Options: (left column) - This will define a specific subset of students to be included in the report; the fields are pulled directly from all Focus data fields related to student information. Clicking on the gray arrow will open the field for search criteria. Helpful Hint If you would like to look at the same student data points, but may want to look at different criterion or filters on the data, we suggest running an advanced report first without specifying search options, and then simply filtering the data once in the report.
Advanced Reports Search Criteria & Available Fields Available Fields: (middle column) - All tabs located in the Student Info screen are listed in this (middle) column; each field category can be clicked to reveal a drop-down list of blue boxes containing data relevant to that field. The fields users see in this column are based on that user’s permissions to those fields on the student record. Fields to Include in Report: (right column) - Add all desired fields from Available Fields. All fields will be ordered as they appear in the box and can be rearranged as needed or deleted. Helpful Hint Users are limited to adding only one logging field per advanced report.
Advanced Reports Running the Report Once all report parameters are set to be included, click the Run Report button. Helpful Hint Clicking CREATE REPORT at the bottom of the screen before clicking Run Report will not pull in the requested data.
Advanced Reports Modifying the Report Once the report has been run, if the user determines more or less information is required, click the Modify Report button to return to the previous screen and modify the parameters of the Advanced Report. This action will result in the original search criteria being lost but will retain the ‘Fields to Include in Report’. Helpful Hint If you need to make changes to a report, but do not want to lose your search criteria, we suggest first saving your Advanced Report through the Create Report function.
Advanced Reports Filtering the Report Results can be filtered to display a specific set of data from the results using the Filter button. Filtering differs from More Search Options in that it narrows the returned data to specific information fields rather than narrowing the search criteria used for creating the report. The report can only be filtered by fields displayed in the output of the report whereas “more search” options can filter the output on any field. Additional Filter Rules can be added as needed, using the Add Rule button. Determine the logic (And, Or) when using multiple filter rules. The user can add as many filters as logically possible for returned data fields.
Advanced Reports Filtering the Report Filter rules can be removed by clicking on the Remove link in front of the rule the user wishes to delete. Click Run Filter after removing a filter rule. All filters can be removed by clicking the Clear Rules link and then click Run Filter to return to the original data. Helpful Hint To filter on a field and exclude any blanks use Greater Than 0.
Advanced Reports Saving the Report Save the parameters and search criteria by clicking the Create Report button at the bottom of the report screen. Please remember to run the report to display the output first before creating the report. The Saved Reports screen will appear prompting the user to name the advanced report.
Advanced Reports Saving the Report After naming the report and clicking OK, a confirmation screen will appear on the Saved Reports tab with a green checkmark indicating the report has been saved. Reports created and saved by the user are saved under the My Reports tab. The Published Reports tab contains reports created by the district and published to specified users.
Advanced Reports Saving the Report If the user has been granted the rights by the district, the user’s saved reports can be published to other user groups to view and/or edit the report. Under Publishing Options, select the Profiles check boxes for the desired user groups, then click the SAVE button at the top right of the screen to save the selected publishing options.
Advanced Reports Saving the Report By clicking on the blue dotted line under the name of the school in the right hand column, the user can choose from the drop-down menu to publish the report to the current school or all schools. If this is edited, click the SAVE button at the top right of the screen. The name of the saved report can also be edited by clicking on the blue dotted line under the report’s current title. Clicking on the dash in front of the report title will delete the entire report.
Advanced Reports Modifying and Filtering a Saved Report If the report is Modified or Filter Rules are added to a Saved Report later, the user can resave the Advanced Report after making modifications by clicking Create Report at the bottom of the screen. When the user chooses to click Create Report from within an existing report, options include to Save & Overwrite or Save as a New Report Instead. After naming the report and clicking OK, a confirmation screen will appear on the Saved Reports tab with a green checkmark indicating the report has been saved. Note: If Save as a New Report Instead is selected, the Create New Saved Report window will be displayed.
Advanced Reports Accessing Saved Reports District Reports – created by District Administration and shared with select user profiles. Note: if a user does not have permissions to certain student fields included in the report, the fields will appear empty My Reports – created by the user Published Reports – shared with select user profiles by another user. Note: depending on the user’s profile, reports can be shared with school staff or all schools Saved Reports – displays a list of reports the user has created; selecting a report from this list will allow the user to edit, delete, and share the report further
Advanced Reports Changing and Updating Data Depending on the user’s profile and the fields included in the report, the field(s) in the advanced report will have blue dotted underlines. This indicates the user may change the data in the field(s). Click on the field and select or enter corrected data. Click Save in the upper right to save the data. The saved data will appear on the respective tabs or menu options for the student.
Advanced Reports Mass Updating Depending on the user’s profile and the fields included in the report, the Mass Update feature may be available; this feature allows the user to edit an entire field of data within the report by clicking Mass Update from within the Advanced Report result screen. To run a Mass Update, click the Mass Update button, select the column that will be updated from the pull-down, select the new value that will be entered, click Run Mass Update, then click Save to finalize the Mass Update. In the example below, the L25% Math Column is selected from the pull-down. Because a blue dotted line appeared in this field under NO, the field can be edited to add the check mark.
Advanced Reports Deleting the Report To access a list of all generated reports by the user, click on the Portal page Reports menu and select Saved Reports. All reports generated by the user can be deleted by accessing the My Reports tab. Locate the report that will be deleted and click the minus sign –, located in the left-most column of the listed reports. A Confirm Delete screen will appear; select Delete to finalize the report deletion.
Advanced Reports To export a list or report into a PDF document for printing, click the Print icon located at the bottom of the screen. You can export to a PDF document from any screen in Focus. To export a list or report to an Excel Spreadsheet, click the Computer Disc Icon located at the top right of the list next to the number of students displayed. You can only export to Excel when the Computer Disc Icon is present. Printing and Exporting the Report
Questions? Lauren Velazquez Project Coordinator, Focus School Software ph: (727) fax: (727)
Thank You Please be sure to complete the comment card for this session and enjoy the rest of the Users’ Conference!