Welcome to Parent Night! Presented by: Pooja Shroff- Barr A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove.... but the world maybe different because I was important in the life of a child. Please feel free to me with any questions.
In Third Grade.. This year your child will be challenged to exercise critical thinking skills in all areas of the curriculum. You can assist your child’s growth by talking to him/her and asking open- ended questions. When your child asks “why?” instead of telling him/her, ask what he/she thinks the answer might be. Explore the community. Let your child try to figure out how he/she fits in and what he/she can do to improve it.
What our day looks like….
Arrival & Dismissal School begins at 8:00. Once the announcements begin, students will be marked tardy. Attendance is sent to the office at 9:30. Your child will be counted absent unless he/she is returning from a doctor’s appointment. If your child is absent, please send a written excuse or me or Beverly Sones.
Communic ation & Conferenc es
Blogging …. Communication is very important. You are your child’s advocate, and therefore must let me know if you have any concerns. I will certainly do the same. I am happy to meet during my planning time. Please send an to schedule an appointment.
Graded work will go home every Thursday in their Graded Work Folder. Please go over all grades with your child and keep up with them on the GradeSpeed Website. Graded Work Folders
Homework …… Math… Reading…. Other….
The most important thing that your child can do to prepare for the STAAR test and Stanford, become a better student and develop thinking skills is to read. I am asking that students read 30 minutes each night. You may read with your child during this time, but the ultimate goal is independent reading. Reading books that are difficult will only frustrate him/her. Reading ….
Reading logs help students react to what they have read. Students can record how they feel about the characters; gain insight about the theme and plot; and expand their overall enjoyment of the literature. Your child will be keeping a Reading Log starting Monday. The Reading Log will be in their Reading Notebook. Reading every night is something I strongly feel will benefit your child. Reading Logs Have you ordered Scholastic Books for your child yet?
Math homelinks will be given on most days. Students will not have homework on Friday. Students should use their SRB and Everyday Math Online as resources to help them complete their homework as needed.
How Quick Are You? How fast can you complete your addition facts? Research states that children by Third Grade should be able to recall their basic addition facts within 4 seconds! Can you do that? Don’t forget to study your facts!
rmcity.org/ Technology WOOHOO! Rosetta Stone RMCity. org Everyday Math Online ses.rosetta stoneclassr oom.com/e n-US/ ccss.every daymathon line.com/g _login.html
Curriculum... Reader’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop
Reader’s Workshop Students will work with a group of similar readers. Students will discuss their books in meaningful ways with their “book club”. Students will make “think notes” as they read. Student will respond to their reading. What does it look like? Reading takes us places!
Writer’s Workshop The units of study are personal narrative, mystery, poetry, literary nonfiction, essay, and porquoi. Students will use model books to explore each type of writing Students will be taken through the writing process and publish one piece for each unit. What does it look like? Writing is a journey we take using our words.
Unit of Inquiry The Amazing Race Central Idea: All places on Earth have special features that distinguish them from other places. An Inquiry into: - The physical characteristics of the Earth - Human affects on geography - How geography affects lifestyles.
Differentiation What is it? It is the opportunity for students to go deeper into a concept without teacher instruction but with guidance as needed. The modification of the process, content, environment for each child to be successful. It is not…... -More work -Giving students work above/below grade level.
Testing…… Standardized State Testing in Third Grade. You will see two state tests this year: Stanford: May 7- May 10th S.T.A.A.R: April 24 th - Math April 25 th - Reading As soon as more information is available on the S.T.A.A.R I will let you know.
Thanks for coming, Thanks for sharing and caring, And have a safe trip home. DON’T FORGET…… -Room Parent -Tuesday Folder Parent -Please take an apple from our Apple Tree!