Newton’s Laws Newton’s Laws A Web Quest for the Physical Science Student A Web Quest for the Physical Science Student TASK PROCESS CONCLUSION EVALUATIONINTRODUCTION TEACHER PAGETEACHER Proceed to Next Slide
INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION HOME TASKPROCESSCONCLUSIONEVALUATIONTEACHER PAGE Once upon a time Sir Isaac Newton was sleeping under an apple tree, when an apple fell on his head. Stunned, he jumped up and suddenly thought of the Universal Law of Gravitation. Fact or fiction? As in many such legends, this is probably not totally true, but the story does contain some elements of what happened. What really happened with that apple? In this web quest you will learn about Sir Isaac Newton and his three laws of motion. Proceed to Next Slide
TASK TASK HOME INTRODUCTION PROCESSCONCLUSIONEVALUATIONTEACHERTEACHER PAGE Your mission is to study forces, by examining Newton's three laws and applying these laws in real world situations. At the end of this quest you should have investigated: Newton’s three laws Proceed to Next Slide
Newton’s Laws Newton’s Laws Compose a one pagebiography about the life and achievements of Sir Isaac Newton.biography about the life and achievements of Sir Isaac Newton. State Newton’s Three Laws : Visit these web sites to examine and study the workings of law onelaw one, law two, and law three, and give examples of how each one works in real two law three Complete quiz (print your results), matching, (what picture is shown).quizmatching, Below is a list of activities that students must do to successfully complete this web quest. Links are provided for students to use to gather information about Newton’s Life and Laws. The websites for the three laws, the quiz and the matching exercise provide a means for self evaluation for the students. Home Process Introduction Task Process Evaluation
Conclusion Conclusion HOME INTRODUCTION PROCESSEVALUATIONTEACHERTEACHER PAGETASK So now you know: What happened to that apple! Why wearing seat belts is important. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Objects keep on doing what they’re doing. If you don’t get moving you’re never going anywhere.
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Evaluation Evaluation Click here for the rubric for your writing assignment on Newton’s three laws. here here You will also be evaluated by a teacher made test given at the completion of this unit. test HOME INTRODUCTION PROCESSCONCLUSIONTEACHERTEACHER PAGETASK
Newton’s Laws Resources needed for this web quest lab: courses/08sr-newton.htm courses/08sr-newton.htm courses/08sr-newton.htm courses/08sr-newton.htm ml ml HOME Introduction Standards Process Evaluation Credits