Conceptions of and approaches to learning in technology-enhanced environments Prof Chin-Chung Tsai National Taiwan University of Science & Technology, Taiwan Co-Editor, Computers & Education
How students conceptualize “learning”? How do students think about “learning” or “what is learning”? © Chin-Chung Tsai 2 2
Sample: Sample: 101 elementary school students (51 boys and 50 girls, aging from Data collection: Data collection: drawing © Chin-Chung Tsai 3 3
4 4
5 5 Quiet ~~
© Chin-Chung Tsai 6 6
7 7 Ranked the first
© Chin-Chung Tsai 8 8 The student is crying in front of the teacher
© Chin-Chung Tsai 9 9 Library
© Chin-Chung Tsai 10 Class 5- 3 Class 5- 2
© Chin-Chung Tsai 11 Oh~ I finally know that is the apple tree!
© Chin-Chung Tsai 12 Saljo, 1979Marton et al., 1993Eklund-Myrskog, 1998 Marshall et al., 1999 Range of conceptions Increase of knowledge Increasing one’s knowledge RememberingMemorizing UnderstandingApplying equations and procedures Acquisitions of facts, procedures which can be retained and/or utilized in practice ApplyingApplying knowledge Making sense of physical concepts and procedures Abstraction of meaning UnderstandingGetting a new perspective Seeing in a new way An interpretative process aimed at the understanding of reality Seeing something in a different way Forming a conception of one’s own A change as a person Changing as a person
Sample: 120 Taiwan high school students Data collection: interview Data analysis method: phenomenographic analysis © Chin-Chung Tsai 13 Study 2: Taiwan high school students’ conceptions of learning science (International Journal of Science Education, 2004, Vol. 26, )
Categories of conceptions of learning science Learning science as memorizing Learning science as preparing for tests Learning science as calculating and practicing tutorial problems Leaning science as the increase of knowledge Learning science as applying Learning science as understanding Learning science as seeing in a new way
Study 3: Conceptions of learning versus conceptions of web-based learning: The differences revealed by college students. (Computers & Education, 2009, Vol. 53, ). Sample: 83 Taiwanese college students with some web-based learning experiences. Data collection: interview Conceptions of learning Conceptions of web-based learning
Students’ conceptions of learning and conceptions of web-based learning (n = 83).
The association between students’ conceptions of learning and conceptions of web-based learning (n = 83).
Major findings The conceptions of web-based learning were often more sophisticated than those of learning. The implementation of web-based instruction may be a potential avenue for promoting students’ conceptions of learning. The conceptions of learning is related to the technology involved.
So, how about students’ conceptions of learning when engaging in innovative technology learning environments?
Sample: 23 Taiwan undergraduate students Data collection: interview Data analysis method: phenomenographic analysis © Chin-Chung Tsai 21
Major Findings The analysis revealed five categories of conceptions of u-learning, including u-learning as applications of technology u-learning as a platform for attaining information u-learning as a timely guide u-learning as increase of knowledge u-learning as active learning
Major Findings Numerous students (n = 21, 95%) held multiple conceptions of u-learning Figure 1. Tree of conceptions of u-learning. Note: A, Applications of technology; P, A platform for attaining information; T, A timely guide; I, Increase of knowledge; L, Active learning.
So, how students’ conceptions of learning in technology-enhanced environments may be related to their approaches to learning in such environments?
Study 5: Conceptions of and approaches to learning through online peer assessment. (Learning and Instruction, 2010, Vol. 20, 72-83). Sample: 163 college students were asked to accomplish a given learning task via an online PA system. 62 were interviewed after the activity. Data collection: Interview Conceptions of learning via online PA Approaches to learning via online PA The study also evaluated students’ performance for each round of online peer assessment
Categories of conceptions of learning via online PA
Categories of approaches to learning via online PA.
The distribution of variation in conceptions of and approaches to learning
Cross-tabulation of conceptions of learning and approaches to learning at the main level and achieved level
Major Findings The conceptions emphasizing a fragmented and cohesive learning tended to be associated with approaches focusing on surface and deep learning, respectively. The students with cohesive learning conceptions and deep learning approaches were likely to make greater progress in the early stages of online PA activity. The approaches to learning via online PA were less related to the learning outcomes than conceptions of learning.
So, how to foster students’ conceptions of learning? Interestingly, technology may help.
Study 6:College students’ conceptions of learning management: The difference between traditional (face-to-face) instruction and Web-based learning environments. Learning, Media and Technology, 36, Sample: 259 management major undergraduate students They experience both web-based and face- to-face instruction. “Conceptions of learning management” questionnaire responses were collected.
Major findings The students agree more with the ‘seeing in a new way’ category when learning management in a Web-based environment, while they show stronger acknowledgement of the conceptions of the ‘memorizing’, ‘testing’, ‘gaining higher status’, and ‘applying’ categories when learning management via traditional instruction. It is suggested that Web-based instruction can promote students’ higher-level conceptions of learning management.
Similar findings for physiology education with a quasi-experimental study The effects of different forms of physiology instruction on the development of students’ conceptions of and approaches to science learning. Advances in Physiology Education, 36,
Future research Conceptions of learning Different usages of innovative technologies Different cultural groups Relationships with learning processes and outcomes How to foster students’ conceptions of learning (perhaps, by properly using technologies)