An Accessible CAPTCHA Chad Killingsworth Web Projects Coordinator
Office or Department What is a CAPTCHA? Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers & Humans Apart
Office or Department Examples Hotmail: Blogger:
Office or Department What’s the Purpose? Prevent Spam Do They Really Work? Missouri State 404 Error Submission Example
Office or Department What’s the Problem? Most CAPTCHAs are solely visual – easier to implement Completely unusable by the blind Can cause problems for the color blind
Office or Department How to Make a CAPTCHA Accessible Include an audio test
Office or Department Implementation Text-to-speech synthesis – read the visual CAPTCHA Separate test – user enters a word or series of numbers they hear
Office or Department Missouri State Example
Office or Department Implementation Details Pre-generate test samples – does not require the server to do text-to-speech Correct numbers require the ability to determine context
Office or Department When to Use a CAPTCHA Public forms only – make campus only forms restricted
Office or Department References The CAPTCHA Project Standards Schmandards
Office or Department Questions