Mercantilism A nation’s ultimate goal is self sufficiency. All nations are in competition to acquire the most gold.
Navigation Acts Colonists want to make a profit to. This goes against the interests of the mother country.
Colonists expected to play a role EXPORT: Lumber Tobacco Furs Fish Import: Furniture Utensils Books China
The Glorious Revolution
Salutary Neglect England relaxes its enforcement of regulations as long as the colonies are economically loyal to the mother country. Preoccupied with wars in Europe.
Original Colonies Colonists see themselves as English. Colonies are distinct places, and do not all share the same interests.
WHAT IS THE AUTHOR WARNING AGAINST HERE? “The time may come…when the colonies may become populous and with the increase of arts and sciences strong and politic, forgetting their relations to the mother countries, will then confederate and consider nothing further than the means to support their ambition of standing on their own legs.”