Coundon Primary Big Maths
To share with you what Big Maths is To demonstrate what a Big Maths session looks like To share recent changes within the National Curriculum for Mathematics To share ideas on how you can help your child at home Aims
Big Maths is a fun and motivational tool to help children learn their basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts. Big Maths lessons are fast, fun and furious. Children work on whiteboards and ‘flash’ answers to their teachers and the pace of the lesson is quite exhausting! The aim is for children to become confident in recalling maths facts instantly. What is Big Maths?
Each year group have Learn Its, which are a set of maths facts the children will learn throughout the year. They are facts that children should be able to recall quickly. If needed, some children within the year group will work on a previous year groups Learn Its, to ensure they are not missing any important maths facts. Learn Its
Focus is on addition facts 1+9=10 4+2=6 2+8=10 5+2=7 3+7=10 6+2=8 4+6=10 7+2=9 5+5=109+2=11 4+3=7 6+3=9 Count up in 2s from =8 Count up in 5s from =12 7+7=14 8+8=16 9+9=18 Learn Its - Year 1
Focus is on addition facts and 2, 5 and 10 multiplication facts Learn Its - Year 2 4+9=13 4+8=12 4+7=11 3+8=11 3+9=12 Rapid recall of 10x tables facts 6+7=13 4+9=13 4+8=12 4+7=11 3+8=11 3+9=12 Rapid recall of 10x tables facts 6+7=13 Rapid recall of 5x tables facts Rapid recall of 2x tables facts Rapid recall of 10x tables facts 4+9=13 5+6=11 4+8=12 5+4=9 4+7=118+7=15 3+8=11 8+9=17 3+9=12 6+8=14 5+8=13 5+7=12 5+9=14 6+9=15 7+9=16
Focus is on the 3, 4 and 9 multiplication facts Learn Its - Year 3 4+9=13 4+8=12 4+7=11 3+8=11 3+9=12 Rapid recall of 10x tables facts 6+7=13 4+9=13 4+8=12 4+7=11 3+8=11 3+9=12 Rapid recall of 10x tables facts 6+7=13 Rapid recall of 3 x tables facts Rapid recall of 4 x tables facts Rapid recall of 9 x tables facts
Focus is on the 6, 7 and 8 multiplication facts Learn Its - Year 5 4+9=13 4+8=12 4+7=11 3+8=11 3+9=12 Rapid recall of 10x tables facts 6+7=13 4+9=13 4+8=12 4+7=11 3+8=11 3+9=12 Rapid recall of 10x tables facts 6+7=13 Rapid recall of 6 x tables facts Rapid recall of 7 x tables facts Rapid recall of 8 x tables facts
Focus is on ALL of the multiplication and division facts Learn Its - Years 5 and 6 4+9=13 4+8=12 4+7=11 3+8=11 3+9=12 Rapid recall of 10x tables facts 6+7=13 4+9=13 4+8=12 4+7=11 3+8=11 3+9=12 Rapid recall of 10x tables facts 6+7=13 Rapid recall of multiplication facts up to 12 x 12 including division facts. 4 x 5=? 28÷7=?
A Big Maths session follows a similar format in each year group and each day. 1) Counting in multiples on a counting stick 2) Saying the new facts 3) Showing the fact and then the children write answers on whiteboards. 4) Quick recall – the teacher gives the children a verbal question and they have to quickly write answers on whiteboards. 5) Switchers (knowing a calculation can be done in two ways) 6) Fact families 7) Using and applying the newly learnt facts Big Maths Learn It session
Big Maths Beat That is a weekly timed test of your child’s Learn Its. The aim is to improve their score by one each time. Big Maths Beat That Test
CLIC Test Children are also given a test which covers other areas of Maths e.g. Place value, sequencing numbers, addition etc
What do Coundon children think about Big Maths? Big Maths has really helped me to learn my times tables. I think it’s pretty good! Oliver Year 5 I think it’s really good. I wasn’t very good at times tables and now I try to beat my score each week. I am a lot more confident. Jasmine Year 5 Big Maths is really fun, I love doing fact families and can’t wait to answer the questions. Rahmah Year 3 Big Maths helps me with my times tables and it’s fun because we have to try and answer questions really quickly. Dominik Year 3
So why are we doing Big Maths at Coundon? All schools are now following the New National Curriculum for Mathematics. Years 1, 3, 4 and 5 started the new curriculum in September 2014 Years 2 and 6 will start September 2015 It is believed that… “A high-quality mathematics education provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.”
New Maths Curriculum A key aim of the New Curriculum for mathematics is to ensure children become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils have conceptual understanding and are able to recall and apply their knowledge rapidly and accurately to problems
What has changed? There's quite a lot of new content which, up until now, has been regarded as ‘secondary school maths’. Some content has moved ‘down’ by one or two years, meaning children will be expected to master some things earlier than they have before. Therefore, there are now higher expectations of what your child should learn and understand in mathematics.
What has changed? By the end of Key Stage 2, children should be proficient in calculating mentally and using the written methods of calculation for all four operations Calculators are not introduced until the end of year 6. Children are expected to know their times tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4 (originally end of Year 5) Roman numerals are taught in Years 4 and 5 Raised expectations within fractions and in Key Stage 2 children are now expected to calculate with fractions.
What can you do to help your child at home? Help your child learn their Learn It’s Ask them on a Friday how they did in their test Other ideas… Chant them Say them backwards and forwards Complete a number hunt – How many ways can you make 36? Learn pairs that are the same 5 x 7 = 35 therefore 7 x 5 = 35 Use a pack of playing cards. Shuffle them, pull out two cards and multiply them together. Play ‘Beat the calculator’. One person works out the answer to a question with a calculator and one person works it out in their head. Who is quickest? Play bingo. Ask your child to write down 5 multiples from their chosen times table and then ask them questions from it. If they have the answer they cross it off! Create flashcards with the question on one side and the answer on the other. Complete written speed tests. Can they beat their time? Create word problems
What can you do to help your child at home? Below you will find a list of websites where your child could practise their multiplication and division facts