Graphics & Interactive Part 3 Image and Text
Reflective log feedback: Use your reflective log process to document and reflect on the learning in the lesson: Where you have based your ideas on examples then refer to the people and books that the information comes from. Always try and justify your points, say why you have made certain decisions, whether they are to cover certain points, use certain processes, how they support the design brief. Try to avoid being too descriptive. Include screen grabs of work in progress and creative, technical decisions made and the full detail of what you did. Evidence is everything. Creative Tech Part 3 Flash 2.0 Professional Workflow
Creative Tech Part 3 Flash 2.0 Professional Workflow Flash 2.0 More 4 Case Study: The More4 ident is a clear example of how Flash can be used effectively in marketing.
Creative Tech Part 3 Flash 2.0 Professional Workflow Flash 2.0 Task 1: 1.Why would it be easy to create a similar ident in Flash? Why the Flash software package appropriate for this kind of production? 1.Identify the processes used to create a similar ident in Flash? Symbols and Library elements. 2.Document the production processes and explain the reasons for workflow: get screen grabs and produce a word document covering all stages from start to export 1.Use professional workflow processes: Keep all symbols and elements titled Title all symbols Use the least amount of symbols possible – a single shape and movie symbols Take advantage of repetition 5. Produce a family of idents based on your master – change colours, directions, sizes