Question: Why do I as a middle grades mathematics teacher need to know about calculus?
Answer: So that I can be a better teacher for my students.
Why should math be connected? NCTM Connection Standard North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards “As mathematics teachers, we want students to understand mathematics, not just to recite facts and execute computational procedures.” –E. Kazemi “A curriculum is more than a collection of activities: it must be coherent, focused on important mathematics, and well articulated across the grades.” –NCTM “All math seems to be a more cohesive subject that doesn`t really have a cut off point.” -J. Rao
“Now that I teach Geometry, I teach Algebra completely different.”
Question: What do I need to know about calculus and analytical geometry?
Answer: Functions Limits Derivatives Tangent Lines Secant Lines Trigonomic Functions Integrals Vocabulary
Direct Connections to what I teach.
Why? The demands are going to be higher on you. Not only will you be expected to take calculus you will need to understand it. You will be competing for jobs with people in other countries. Many of our problems may be solved with science and math By the time you are 38, you will have had jobs. The top 10 jobs that will be in demand when you graduate do not currently exists.