Tonawanda Business/Technology Department Who Are We? (Scott Benson, Robin D’Amato, Julie Schork, Gary Novits) A department of 4 teachers who will each teach approximately students per semester this year. We are a department that offers 18 electives for our students both full year and half year. Our electives are often innovative, offer real world examples, are constantly meeting the needs of the students and their success in today’s society.
Who Are We……. We have 1 half year graduation requirement in our department. We have inherited the Student Leadership class We have 3 extracurricular clubs among us: FBLA, Mentor Club, and Mock Trial. We offer 2 classes that are Advanced Studies in which our students can obtain transferable college credit through Erie Community College. We offer 2 classes that have articulation agreements with NCCC for advanced placement. We coordinate job shadow placements every year for Juniors.
Business Teachers Association of NYS Can We Afford NOT To? Career & Financial Management Requirement Tonawanda Senior High School
Why should all Tonawanda students take Career & Financial Management? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, by the age of 38 our students will have changed jobs times within 3 to 5 different industries.
Business Teachers Association of NYS Do You Know? American teens confidently predict a future in which, based on the career that interests them most, they will be earning an average annual salary of $145,500 (boys expect $173,000 vs. girls $114,200). The 2007 annual Teens & Money survey conducted by Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
Business Teachers Association of NYS However fewer than half consider themselves knowledgeable about: how to budget money (41%), how to pay bills (34%), how credit card interest and fees work (26%), whether a check cashing service is good to use (24%). Even fewer teens know how income taxes work (14 percent) or what a 401(k) plan is (13%). The 2007 annual Teens & Money survey conducted by Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
Why it’s Important! Less than a quarter of students (24%) say they are very well prepared to deal with life’s financial challenges (Hartford Financial Services Group, 2007) 68% of high school seniors today do not understand the basics of personal finance and only 21% have taken a personal finance class (Jump$tart, 2008). Universities lose more students to credit card debt than to academic failure US consumer debt stands at $2.4 trillion and exceeds household income by over 8%
Business Teachers Association of NYS Our families are in trouble: Consumer revolving credit grew again in January [2008] as Americans tacked on $5.6 billion in net new debt, mostly credit card debt, compared to the prior month. Consumer bankruptcy filings in February [2008] rose to 76,000 compared to 66,000 in the prior month. Chapter 13 filings made up about 46% of all consumer cases, down slightly from last month.
Business Teachers Association of NYS Our students do as their parents… A recent survey by Sallie Mae found that more than half of college students accumulated more than $5,000 in credit card debt while in school. Of the 13,000 respondents, one-third piled on more than $10,000 in credit card debt while in school. Only 19 percent said they did not acquire any credit card debt while in school. This does NOT include student loan debt…
Business Teachers Association of NYS Society doesn’t help… A culture that views shopping as entertainment and spending as patriotic. Too many schools and colleges—still—with no financial education initiatives. Advertisers that target very young children although research shows that children under age 8 are cognitively and psychologically defenseless against advertising.* * Committee on Communications Pediatrics American Academy of Pediatrics
Business Teachers Association of NYS But… The 2007 back-to-school cardholder survey from Visa revealed that: Only 5% of adults learned about the vital life skill of money management in elementary or high school.
Business Teachers Association of NYS And… 91% of respondents said they supported requiring financial education be taught in every high school in the country.
Business Teachers Association of NYS Students WANT to know: The 2007 annual back-to-school survey from Capital One found that: When asked about the topics they'd most like to learn about, teens express interest in: how financing works for large purchases such as a car or a home (74%), investing money (72%), identity theft and how to protect themselves (68%), saving money (62%), budgeting (58%), stocks (58%), checking accounts (55%), credit cards (55%).
What we want our students to know: That they will have to work years in a job before retirement That they should be introduced to a multitude of career options What their interests, abilities, skills, and aptitudes are To begin to prepare for a career that fits their characteristics How to properly interview for a college or job How to create a resume The importance of setting long term and short term goals How to properly fill out a job application
College is an expensive venture….. There are no statistics to document the precise number of undecided freshmen, but some experts estimate the number at 25 percent or more of the nation's incoming freshmen. Studies show that between 60 percent and 75 percent of college students who begin their studies in declared majors change their minds at least once before they graduate. That's because those students are undecided, but often pick a major based on pressure from peers or parents.
Business Teachers Association of NYS What We Want our Students to Know: Knowledge about credit, debt, budgeting, saving, investment, and tax (terminology and norms). More rational financial decision-making. Cost consciousness and financial management skills. Willingness to develop early saving habits and understand compound interest. More personal responsibility for career paths, education, and the outcomes of their choices. Early planning for retirement needs.
Business Teachers Association of NYS Possible State Mandates Two bills were introduced by our legislatures: Senate: S00851 Assembly: A09972 This bill would require that high school students have financial education integrated into their curricula for high school students, including personal financial planning and budgeting, understanding of the income and property tax systems, and understanding state and federal laws concerning personal and commercial finance.*
Student Survey Results After Financial Literacy Program
Business Teachers Association of NYS Our Response Required full year course offered to Juniors Course will devote 1 semester to Career Development, 1 semester to Financial Literacy Real world learning examples Develop Independent Study Skills Life Long Success
Business Teachers Association of NYS Career and Financial Education? Can we afford NOT to require this course for ALL our students?
Standards Addressed in this Course: English Language Arts ELA #1 – Language for Information and Understanding Students will listen, speak, read, and write for information and understanding. ELA #2 – Language for Literary Response and Expression Students will read and listen to oral, written, and electronically produced texts and relate to their own lives. ELA #3 – Language for Critical Analysis and Evaluation Students will listen, speak, read, and write for critical analysis and evaluation ELA #4 – Language for Social Interaction Students will listen, speak, read, and write for social interaction.
Standards Addressed in this Course: Mathematics, Science, and Technology MST #2 – Information Systems Students will access, generate, process, and transfer information using appropriate technologies MST #3 – Mathematics – Students will understand mathematics and become mathematically confident by communicating and reasoning mathematically by applying mathematics in real-world settings MST #5 – Technology – Students will apply technological knowledge and sills to design, construct, use, and evaluate products and systems MST #6 – Interconnectedness: Common Themes Students will understand the relationships and common themes that connect mathematics, science, and technology and apply these themes in other areas of living. MST #7 – Interdisciplinary Problem Solving Students will apply the knowledge of thinking skills of mathematics, science, and technology to address real-life problems and make informed decisions.
Standards Addressed in this Course: Career Development & Occupational Studies (CDOS) CDOS #1 – Career Development Students will be knowledgeable about the world of work, explore career options, relate personal skills, aptitudes, and abilities to future career decisions CDOS #2 – Integrated Learning Students will be demonstrate how academic knowledge and skills are applied in the workplace. CDOS #3a – Universal Foundation Skills Students will demonstrate mastery of the foundation skills and competencies essential for workplace success. CDOS #3b – Career Majors Students who choose a career major will acquire the career-specific technical knowledge and skills necessary to progress toward gainful employment, career advancement, and success in postsecondary programs.
Standards Addressed in this Course: Social Studies Social Studies #4 – Economics Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of how the US and other societies develop economic systems and associated institutions to allocate resources.
Standards Addressed in this Course: Health, Physical Education, and Family & Consumer Sciences Health, PE, and Family and Consumer Sciences #3: Students will understand and be able to manage their personal and community resources.
An Average Junior’s Schedule Period 1 – English Period 2 – Social Studies Period 3 – Math Period 4 – Science Period 5 - Lunch Period 6/7 – PE/Lab Period 8/9 – Art/Music/Business/Technology/Lote Period 10 – Career & Financial Management Period 11 – Study Hall/AIS/Guided Study/Resource
Why Junior Year? This is when students begin to seriously consider colleges (career decisions, financial aid) This is when students begin to drive (insurance, budgeting, payments, gasoline, bank accounts) Students become mature enough and are engaged in experiences meaningful to this content.
The Bottom Line…….. We are trained and have experience in the topics we see over and over again in SPT minutes, BOE minutes, and student discussion. YOU are telling us this is what our students need. We are prepared, willing, and able Will we do it?
What Could This Entail? A.5 FTE Added Business Teacher OR A reduction in the number of elective options we offer students per year. Use an alternating schedule of when courses will be offered.