3/4/05Intelligence Unique area in psychology: major controversy at the very beginning Single intelligence theory –Define: Multiple Intelligence theory –Define: Intelligence is: “An inferred characteristic of an individual, usually defined as the ability to profit from experience, acquire knowledge, think abstractly, act purposefully, or adapt to changes in the environment.” (Wade and Tavris, 2003)
3/4/05Intelligence Single Intelligence theory Psychometric approach –Binet – IQ testing –Spearman –WISC, WAIS tests –Factor analysis –Normal Curve Are IQ tests culture free/culture fair/culture bound?
3/4/05Intelligence IQ distribution
3/4/05Intelligence IQ testing critiques Stereotype threat – Steele (1992) Rosenthal Pygmalion effect (1966)
3/4/05Intelligence Multiple Intelligence theories Sternberg Triarchic theory –Componential (analytic) –Experiential (creative) –Contextual (practical) Consulting with ETS/ FairTest
3/4/05Intelligence Mult. Intell. Theories cont’d Garnder multiple intelligence model Combination of mathematical, linguistic, spatial, musical, kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, naturistic Savants? “core operations” What is a “talent” vs. an “intelligence”?
3/4/05Intelligence Cross-cultural intelligence research Cultural Attitudes and Motivation –Math achievement gap, US vs. Asia –Causes: Locus of control (beliefs about intelligence) –Standards (what parents expect) –Values Terman’s Termites
3/4/05Intelligence Animal Intelligence Kohler’s chimpanzee insight studies Theory of mind – are animals capable of this? Language criteria: –Meaningful –Displacement –Productive Experiments need to avoid the Clever Hans effect Examples of animal “intelligence”: –Koko the ape –Kanzi, other chimpazees rasied with sign language –Alex the Parrot
3/4/05Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Turing Test Examples of artificial intelligence: –Personal computers? –Deep blue? –Chat bots?