Supported Reading, Writing and Testing... when reading is very difficult Bonnie Hill – Southeast Regional Manager x1183 · WYNN and TestTalker
About WYNN software PC software to provide multisensory access to curriculum through electronic files, scanned text, and the Internet (hearing all aloud) –Key: using same class curriculum as others –Supporting comprehension and retention Built-in suite tools to help with reading, writing, studying, vocabulary and Internet research also used on white boards, in discussion groups, paired learning and in general education (RtI) and Universal Access (UDL)
Easy Icon Based Interface Organized: Four color-coded Tool Bars –Blue: –Blue: File Management and Internet –Green: –Green: Modify Reading Environment –Pink: –Pink: Study Tools –Yellow: –Yellow: Writing Tools Consistency: first 5 icons same on each color Tool Bar Left Navigation Bar: See the file & hear the file name Custom AT Web Browser Known to be easy to learn, easy to teach, easy to use … all with an uncluttered reading environment
WYNN Options both display in color 1.WYNN Wizard – all learning tools plus OCR scanning 2.WYNN Reader* – identical tools to Wizard, except no OCR scanning or Import Printer; therefore, lower cost *WYNN Reader uses the files imported by the Wizard and includes full use of Internet and all other tools
Exact View and Text View of content Exact View (an exact image of original document) –Displays color graphics, diagrams, and text –A reference when cleaning up any scanning errors Text View (is highly modifiable electronic text) –The ideal reading mode with clear & clean screen –Customized font size, spacing, colors, margins, etc. –Addresses visual and auditory processing difficulties Tools available in either view: Print, Highlighters, Lists, Voice Notes and Text Notes
Green Tool Bar Customizing Reading Preferences Address visual processing difficulties –Change text size, spacing, margins, background color Address auditory processing difficulties –Rate, pause between sentences, reading increments Option to speak all menus or tool bars & scan Masking adds focus by line, sentence, paragraph Single click empowers user Each user preferences automatically saved
Pink Tool Bar Study Tools: Keys to Learning Tools for learning –Create vocabulary lists using one click List Button –Embed Text or Voice Notes –Highlight and pull out main ideas and details; click the Lists –Automatically create study guides; click the Lists Button –Voice Notes - Paraphrase for better understanding, review, leave reminders, notes, questions, etc.
Use Study Tools in Either View Highlight pens/List –highlight vocabulary, headings, key points from either view –Highlights will be visible or print in either view –Extract Highlighted text from either view into a new document Text Notes and Voice Notes –Insert Text Notes and Voice Notes in either view –Notes created in one view will be available in the other Work or Print from either View
Yellow Tool Bar - Writing Support and incredible NEW tools coming soon… not seen before Auditory feedback while writing (students self correct) Four Key Writing Tools 1.Word Prediction to keep the flow of ideas and help with spelling; see many settings in Manual or Help 2.Capture key vocabulary from any document – (see tip sheet: "Teaching Your Word Prediction...” & more ) 3.Outline to help with organization 4.Spell Check as I Type (misspelled words in blue text) 5.Homophone support (hear definitions)
Reading the Web – aloud & with Tools 1.Participation in Wikis, Blogs, Moodle, etc. 2.Read and hear curriculum databases examples: EBSCO Britannica Online School Edition K-12 World Book online 3.Read online tests aloud
Reading Internet with dimming for Focus
Isolating and Extracting Key Information Three ways to extract information from a Web site and save 1.Select text by dragging mouse, then click Extract 2.Use Color Highlighters and click Extract 3.Import text and graphics
Highlighter Pens on the Web
One Click Extract from Web: the Highlighted Content
Sending WYNN Files Out … and Bringing Files in Export WYNN documents to Word documents Export WYNN doc to Audio MP3 or Wav format for listening on MP3 player Import with graphics from Word, PDF, most other formats to WYNN
Personalize a Toolbar Why Customize? For students with more significant disabilities For highly distractible students For younger students To provide selected tools for specific tasks or projects
Additional Access to Books Digital Talking Books – WYNN reads DAISY and NIMAS conformant documents Reads files Reads many other e-book formats Reads online books and tests
Sneak Preview: TestTalker Testing Accommodations: Reducing Readers and Scribes link
What is TestTalker? A low cost accommodation tool to help students demonstrate knowledge TestTalker reads aloud an exact replica of test, worksheet or form Allow students to test independently throughout the year Independent from other more costly tools – provides maximum flexibility in testing locations – low cost
Benefits of TestTalker a low cost solution Ease the burden of finding Human Readers Bi-modal presentation Allow students to test independently Provide consistent read – every time – without human clues Individual testing - of multiple students Flexible licensing for district wide testing locations
TestTalker: Reading the test aloud
Student Edition for Test-Taking Software for test taking in a secure environment with flexibility in testing sites – low cost & broad use Presents exact replica of test Student in control of reading increment, rate, pause Student sees visual cues of their progress Bi-modal presentation of tests and worksheets
Teacher Edition (Test Creator) 1.Used to Create the talking version of tests 2.To define what is read and in what order 3.Provides option to include Answer Bubbles ∙ Fill in the blank ∙ Extended answer ∙ Multiple choice ∙ True and false 4.Provides simulation of final test “Tryout the Test” checking the reading and answer fields
Contact for More Info, License options and pricing Request Webinar Schedule Contact: Bonnie Hill · x1183 ·