Loren Goodman Chief Technology Officer InRule Technology SESSION CODE: ARC301 Putting Business Rules To Work
A bit of background on the whole thing Define business logic and other related terms Review today’s typical business logic lifecycle Jointly work through the Thinking In Rules approach Design Driving out Business Logic Services Getting to the “Handshake?” Artifacts capturing the design Implementation Decision services and the Business rule object model (BROM) Integration with calling application Lifecycle Pros and Cons of alternatives for authoring and playback Review
Its all about Communication Its all about Accountability and Ownership Its all about Playback and Reducing Translation Actually… its really all about Fishing Define communication first - communicate content second The process around it drives out the value of this technology At the end of the day, it is not really that different The people closest to the business still define the behavior The difference is that now they do it more efficiently and with full accountability and ownership The actual handshake is important!
Mutual commitment to the importance of Communication Both Literal and Symbolic Point of Agreement from which downstream disputes can be resolved Signifies the Acceptance of Accountability on both sides Demonstrates appreciation of unique skills and contributions Gets our eyes on the prize
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Purchase Date Superbowl Date Items in order Item is big screen tv Notify Customer -Message -Receipt Text -Initials Required
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