Common Core State Standards Initiative Mathematics FPS Implementation Wednesday October 10,
Agenda Activities 8:00-8:15Review/Update on CCSS and Assessment 8:15-8:308 Mathematical Practices 8:30-11:00First Unit, Lesson & Assessment of Study 11:00-12:00Lunch 12:00-2:30Second Unit, Lesson & Assessment of Study 2:30 – 3:00Connections to Units, Lessons & Assessments currently taught 2
Connector What do you remember from last year about the Common Core?
Common Core State Standards- Overview Prepare students with knowledge and skills needed for success in college and work Ensure consistent expectations regardless of student’s zip code Provide educators, parents and students with clear, focused guideposts (fewer, clearer) Forty-five states have officially adopted the standards 4
Common Core State Content Standards Standards focus on learning expectations for students, not on how students get there –Include rigorous content and application of knowledge through high-order skills –Includes both conceptual and procedural knowledge –Build upon strengths and lessons learned from current state standards –Internationally benchmarked –Based on evidence and research 5 Common Core State Practice Standards 1.Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2.Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3.Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4.Model with mathematics. 5.Use appropriate tools strategically. 6.Attend to precision. 7.Look for and make use of structure. 8.Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Moving Toward Assessing the Common Core in Michigan What we think we know… What we don’t know yet… The MEAP tests will stay in place for at least four more years (Fall ). The new assessments will be ready for use by the school year. Given during the last 6-12 weeks of school. – MEAP minimally modified (begin to remove items related to standards not present in the CCSS) with continued focus on instruction and formative assessment – lots of CCSS assessment item pilots and some initial release of items – MEAP minimally modified again and continued focus on formative assessment – Full implementation - Instruction and Spring Assessment based on CCSS (Current 9 th Graders as 11 th Graders) 1. We don’t know what will happen with MME. 2. We don’t know how or if new assessment items will be phased in. 6
What we think we know… The SMARTER Balanced proposal suggests that there will be various assessments for grades 3-11 including: a) Comprehensive summative assessments that includes: 22% selected-response 41% technology-enhanced constructed- response 14% traditional constructed response 23% performance b) Formative assessments Assessing the Common Core States Standards 7
What we think we know… The new assessment will replace the MEAP and MME and be initiated at the end of the school year. Students may take the test twice and use their best scores In the future we will see the development of alternative standards/assessments for severely learning impaired and ELL students
Balanced Assessment Consortium
Common Core Standards of Mathematical Practice 10
Making CCSS Visible In your lessons, how have you seen students already using the Standards of Mathematical Practice? (Cite explicit examples.) Which of these practices do you feel you already implement well in your classroom? Which of these practices do you want to learn more about? 11 Familiarize yourself with the 8 Mathematical Practices
Adding & Subtracting Whole Numbers
Concept Map, Unit Abstract, & Overarching Questions Locate your unit of study. Looking at only the sections on the first page of your Grade 2 unit consider the following questions: 1. How would you describe the mathematics (content and practices) students need to know at the end of this unit including the connections among the mathematical ideas that students need to understand? 2. How does this unit compare to your current practice? What is the same? And what seems to be different? 13
CCSS Standards, Focus Questions, & Key Concepts Looking at the CCSS Standards, Focus Questions, and Key Concepts consider the following questions: 1. How does the information in these sections add to teachers’ understanding of what students need to know and be able to do at the end of unit? 2. How does this unit compare to your current practice? What is the same? And what seems to be different? 14
Instructional and Professional Resources In your table groups cooperatively explore the Instructional and Professional Resource sections of your Grade 2 unit and consider the following questions: 1. How might you use the resources in these two sections to deepen your understanding of the mathematics and how you might support your student’s learning? 2. How might teachers use these sections as they prepare and reflect on lessons, assessments, or at other times? 15
Highlight Lesson → Solving Word Problems: Take from/Separate, Change Unknown 16
Concept Map, Focus Questions, Practices, and Key Concepts Locate your lesson. Looking at only the sections on the first page of your Grade 2 lesson consider the following questions: 1. How would you describe the mathematics (content and practices) students need to know at the end of this lesson including the connections among the mathematical ideas that students need to understand? 2. How does this lesson compare to your current lessons? What is the same? And what seems to be different? 17
Unit Abstract and CCSS Standards Looking at the Unit Abstract and the CCSS Standards consider the following questions: 1. How does the information in these two sections add to teachers’ understanding of what students need to know and be able to do at the end of the lesson? 2. How does this content compare to your current practice? What is the same? And what seems to be different? 18
Sequence of Lesson Activities and Assessments In your table groups cooperatively explore the “Sequence of Lesson Activities” and “Formative Assessments” sections of your Grade 2 lesson and consider the following questions: 1. How does the set up of the Sequence of Lesson Activities deepen your understanding of the mathematics and how you might it support your students’ learning? 2. How might teachers use the formative assessment to inform their instruction? 19
Highlight Lesson 20
Highlight Assessment → Solving Word Problems: Take from/Separate, Change Unknown 21
How do these fit? What current unit(s) do these new units match the best? In what unit(s) would you teach these lessons? What aspects of the lesson(s) might need to be “tweaked”? What unit(s)/lesson(s) would the assessment(s) best be used to measure understanding?
Geometric Shapes
Concept Map, Overarching Question, and Unit Abstract 24 Locate your second unit of study. Looking at only the sections on the first page of your Grade 2 unit consider the following questions: 1. How would you describe the mathematics (content and practices) students need to know at the end of this unit including the connections among the mathematical ideas that students need to understand? 2. How does this unit compare to your current practice? What is the same? And what seems to be different?
CCSS Standards, Focus Questions, and Key Concepts Looking at the CCSS Standards, Focus Questions, and Key Concepts consider the following questions: 1. How does the information in these two sections add to teachers’ understanding of what students need to know and be able to do at the end of unit? 2. How does this unit compare to your current practice? What is the same? And what seems to be different? 25
Instructional and Professional Resources 26 In your table groups cooperatively explore the Instructional and Professional Resource sections of your Grade 2 unit and consider the following questions: 1. How might you use the resources in these two sections to deepen your understanding of the mathematics and how you might support your student’s learning? 2. How might teachers use these sections as they prepare and reflect on lessons, assessments, or at other times?
Highlight Lesson: Casting a Net 27
Concept Map, Focus Questions, Practices, and Key Concepts Locate your lesson. Then, looking at only the sections on the first page of your grade level lesson consider the following questions: 1. How would you describe the mathematics (content and practices) students need to know at the end of this lesson including the connections among the mathematical ideas that students need to understand? 2. How does this lesson compare to your current lessons? What is the same? And what seems to be different? 28
Lesson Abstract and CCSS Standards Looking at the Abstract and CCSS Standards sections of your grade level lesson consider the following questions: 1. How does the information in these two sections add to teachers’ understanding of what students need to know and be able to do at the end of the lesson? 2. How does this content compare to your current practice? What is the same? And what seems to be different? 29
Sequence of Lesson Activities and Assessments In your table groups cooperatively explore the “Sequence of Lesson Activities” and “Formative Assessments” sections of your grade level lesson and consider the following questions: 1. How does the set up of the Sequence of Lesson Activities deepen your understanding of the mathematics and how you might it support your students’ learning? 2. How might teachers use the formative assessment to inform their instruction? 30
Highlight Lesson 31
Highlight Assessment: Casting a Net 32 Creating toothpick models
How do these fit? What current unit(s) do these new units match the best? In what unit(s) would you teach these lessons? What aspects of the lesson(s) might need to be “tweaked”? What unit(s)/lesson(s) would the assessment(s) best be used to measure understanding?
Future Meetings Tuesday, November 6 Whole Number Operations Estimating and Measuring Length
Reflection 1. What did we do today that was helpful for you? 2. What could we do differently on November 6 that would help you better understand the units of study, highlight lesson, and assessment tasks?