Drug Classifications
Inhalants Examples: Gasoline Lighter Fluid and Butane Lighter Fuel Spray Paint Paint Thinners and Removers Transparent Glue Rubber-Cement Thinner Hair Spray Nail Polish Remover Degreasers Cleaning Fluids Whippets Poppers or Snappers Examples: Gasoline Lighter Fluid and Butane Lighter Fuel Spray Paint Paint Thinners and Removers Transparent Glue Rubber-Cement Thinner Hair Spray Nail Polish Remover Degreasers Cleaning Fluids Whippets Poppers or Snappers
Inhalants Average age at which adolescents try these drugs is 13 These drugs produce a quick, temporary high, lightheadedness, and a general good feeling Tends to last only a short time (from a few minutes to about three-quarters of an hour) May experience after-effects: Drowsiness Headache Nausea Average age at which adolescents try these drugs is 13 These drugs produce a quick, temporary high, lightheadedness, and a general good feeling Tends to last only a short time (from a few minutes to about three-quarters of an hour) May experience after-effects: Drowsiness Headache Nausea
Inhalants Short-term effects: Physical coordination and mental judgment are impaired May engage in irresponsible or dangerous behaviors Intense facial flushing Feelings of severe weakness and dizziness and heart palpitations May dangerously hinder the activity of the nerves that control breathing The resulting respiratory depression may cause unconsciousness, coma or even death Heavy doses may not produce a pleasant high, but mental confusion, hallucinations, and delusions SSD (Sudden Sniffing Death) -- fatal irregularity of heartbeat (arrhythmia) or complete heart arrest Irritate breathing passages Provoking severe coughing, painful inflammation, and nosebleeds Short-term effects: Physical coordination and mental judgment are impaired May engage in irresponsible or dangerous behaviors Intense facial flushing Feelings of severe weakness and dizziness and heart palpitations May dangerously hinder the activity of the nerves that control breathing The resulting respiratory depression may cause unconsciousness, coma or even death Heavy doses may not produce a pleasant high, but mental confusion, hallucinations, and delusions SSD (Sudden Sniffing Death) -- fatal irregularity of heartbeat (arrhythmia) or complete heart arrest Irritate breathing passages Provoking severe coughing, painful inflammation, and nosebleeds
Inhalants Long-term effects: Repeated use tends to produced increased tolerance (Larger doses are needed to achieve the same results) Risk of permanent brain damage, poor memory, extreme moods swings, tremors and seizures Increases the risk of heart arrhythmia and respiratory failure Raise the pressure of the fluid within the eyes which may lead to glaucoma or blindness Organic solvents are the most dangerous -- they are poisons that break down the makeup or living cells Long-term effects: Repeated use tends to produced increased tolerance (Larger doses are needed to achieve the same results) Risk of permanent brain damage, poor memory, extreme moods swings, tremors and seizures Increases the risk of heart arrhythmia and respiratory failure Raise the pressure of the fluid within the eyes which may lead to glaucoma or blindness Organic solvents are the most dangerous -- they are poisons that break down the makeup or living cells
Inhalants Signs of Abuse: A sweetish, chemical smell on the clothes or body Inflammation of the nostrils, frequent nosebleeds, or a rash around the nose and mouth Poor appetite and loss of weight Pale, bluish skin Watery, bloodshot eyes with dilated pupils Slow, slurred speech Clumsy, staggering gait, and drunken appearance Signs of Abuse: A sweetish, chemical smell on the clothes or body Inflammation of the nostrils, frequent nosebleeds, or a rash around the nose and mouth Poor appetite and loss of weight Pale, bluish skin Watery, bloodshot eyes with dilated pupils Slow, slurred speech Clumsy, staggering gait, and drunken appearance
OxyContin A legal narcotic that is available by prescription, to treat severe pain Provides extended relief of pain associated with cancer, back pain, or arthritis When abused the tablets are crushed and snorted, chewed, or mixed with water and injected - eliminating the time-release factor and allowing for a quick and intense rush to the brain Highly addictive A legal narcotic that is available by prescription, to treat severe pain Provides extended relief of pain associated with cancer, back pain, or arthritis When abused the tablets are crushed and snorted, chewed, or mixed with water and injected - eliminating the time-release factor and allowing for a quick and intense rush to the brain Highly addictive
OxyContin Short-term effects: Respiratory depression Constipation Nausea Sedation Dizziness Vomiting Headache Dry mouth Sweating Weakness Short-term effects: Respiratory depression Constipation Nausea Sedation Dizziness Vomiting Headache Dry mouth Sweating Weakness
OxyContin Long-term effects: Experience withdrawal symptoms when the drug is not present Restlessness Muscle and bone pain Insomnia Diarrhea Vomiting Cold flashes with goose bumps Involuntary leg movements Long-term effects: Experience withdrawal symptoms when the drug is not present Restlessness Muscle and bone pain Insomnia Diarrhea Vomiting Cold flashes with goose bumps Involuntary leg movements
Methamphetamine Central nervous system stimulant A powerful “upper” that produces alertness and elation Sometimes called the “poor man’s cocaine” Users get very high very rapidly Tends to be taken differently in different locales and by different age groups Central nervous system stimulant A powerful “upper” that produces alertness and elation Sometimes called the “poor man’s cocaine” Users get very high very rapidly Tends to be taken differently in different locales and by different age groups
Methamphetamine Dangers and consequences: Sleeplessness Loss of appetite and weight loss Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea Elevated body temperature Skin ulceration and infection, the result of picking at imaginary bugs Paranoia Depression Irritability Anxiety Dangers and consequences: Sleeplessness Loss of appetite and weight loss Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea Elevated body temperature Skin ulceration and infection, the result of picking at imaginary bugs Paranoia Depression Irritability Anxiety
Methamphetamine Dangers and consequences: Increased blood pressure, due to the constriction of blood vessels, that may produce headaches, chest pain, or irregular heartbeat and lead to stroke or heart attack Seizures Permanent damage to brain cells caused by injury to small blood vessels serving the brain Dangers and consequences: Increased blood pressure, due to the constriction of blood vessels, that may produce headaches, chest pain, or irregular heartbeat and lead to stroke or heart attack Seizures Permanent damage to brain cells caused by injury to small blood vessels serving the brain
Heroin Used in medicine in the early part of the 20th century, until its addictive potential was recognized Most commonly abused narcotic Heroin abusers often use other drugs as well Consequences of use range from mild distress to life-threatening Used in medicine in the early part of the 20th century, until its addictive potential was recognized Most commonly abused narcotic Heroin abusers often use other drugs as well Consequences of use range from mild distress to life-threatening
Heroin Consequences: Dry, itchy skin and skin infections Constricted pupils and reduced night vision Nausea and vomiting Constipation and loss of appetite Menstrual irregularity Scarring along veins and collapsed veins from repeated injections Irregular blood pressure Slow and irregular heartbeat Fatigue, breathlessness, and labored, noisy breathing due to excessive fluid in the lungs Consequences: Dry, itchy skin and skin infections Constricted pupils and reduced night vision Nausea and vomiting Constipation and loss of appetite Menstrual irregularity Scarring along veins and collapsed veins from repeated injections Irregular blood pressure Slow and irregular heartbeat Fatigue, breathlessness, and labored, noisy breathing due to excessive fluid in the lungs
Heroin Consequences: Injuries that result from engaging in any activity when incapacitated by heroin use Dependence, addiction Hepatitis, AIDS, and other infections from unsanitary injection Stroke or heart attack caused by blood clots resulting from insoluble additives Respiratory paralysis, heart arrest, coma, and death from accidental overdose Consequences: Injuries that result from engaging in any activity when incapacitated by heroin use Dependence, addiction Hepatitis, AIDS, and other infections from unsanitary injection Stroke or heart attack caused by blood clots resulting from insoluble additives Respiratory paralysis, heart arrest, coma, and death from accidental overdose
PCP and LSD Both drugs are hallucinogens PCP Has a strong ammonia smell Effects are unpredictable and are often severe Depression, anxiety, or disorientation can result May experience visual distortions Physical effects: Rising heart rate Blood pressure Body temperature Flushing and sweating Shallow breathing Numbness Loss of coordination Both drugs are hallucinogens PCP Has a strong ammonia smell Effects are unpredictable and are often severe Depression, anxiety, or disorientation can result May experience visual distortions Physical effects: Rising heart rate Blood pressure Body temperature Flushing and sweating Shallow breathing Numbness Loss of coordination
PCP continued… High doses may cause: Nausea Vomiting Loss of balance Dizziness Display dramatic mood swings Prone to anxiety, paranoia, and aggressiveness Violence is not uncommon Psychosis Can be fatal - convulsions, coma or respiratory arrest High doses may cause: Nausea Vomiting Loss of balance Dizziness Display dramatic mood swings Prone to anxiety, paranoia, and aggressiveness Violence is not uncommon Psychosis Can be fatal - convulsions, coma or respiratory arrest
LSD Commonly called “acid” Effects: Changes in visual perception and mood Distorted impressions of time, space, and distance “Tracking” - observation of streams of colored light following the path of a moving object and “psychedelic” patterns may appear Acute anxiety Depression Panic Paranoia Psychotic behavior Judgment and the ability to recognize immediate danger can be impaired Commonly called “acid” Effects: Changes in visual perception and mood Distorted impressions of time, space, and distance “Tracking” - observation of streams of colored light following the path of a moving object and “psychedelic” patterns may appear Acute anxiety Depression Panic Paranoia Psychotic behavior Judgment and the ability to recognize immediate danger can be impaired
Ecstasy One of the most dangerous drugs threatening young people today First developed as an appetite suppressant in 1914 1985 it was made illegal Taking of the drug affects people differently One of the most dangerous drugs threatening young people today First developed as an appetite suppressant in 1914 1985 it was made illegal Taking of the drug affects people differently
Ecstasy Common side effects: Increased heart rate Increased body temperature Anxiety Increased blood pressure Increased confidence Nausea Feelings of well-being (happiness, love) Sweating Loss of appetite Convulsions Irrational behavior Hallucinations Insomnia Anxiety Paranoia Common side effects: Increased heart rate Increased body temperature Anxiety Increased blood pressure Increased confidence Nausea Feelings of well-being (happiness, love) Sweating Loss of appetite Convulsions Irrational behavior Hallucinations Insomnia Anxiety Paranoia
Ecstasy Warning signs of Overdose: Feeling hot or unwell Becoming confused, not able to talk properly Headache Vomiting Not sweating Racing heart or pulse when resting Fainting or collapsing Loss of control over body movements Tremors Problems urinating Warning signs of Overdose: Feeling hot or unwell Becoming confused, not able to talk properly Headache Vomiting Not sweating Racing heart or pulse when resting Fainting or collapsing Loss of control over body movements Tremors Problems urinating
Cocaine and Crack A central nervous system stimulant Causes the heart to beat more rapidly and blood vessels to constrict Users can become delusional, paranoid, and even suffer acute toxic psychosis Effects: Cardiovascular problems Neurological incidents Pulmonary effects Psychiatric complications Increased risk of traumatic injury A central nervous system stimulant Causes the heart to beat more rapidly and blood vessels to constrict Users can become delusional, paranoid, and even suffer acute toxic psychosis Effects: Cardiovascular problems Neurological incidents Pulmonary effects Psychiatric complications Increased risk of traumatic injury
GHB and Rohypnol A central nervous system depressant Rohypnol is produced in Europe and Latin America as a sleep aid, but is illegal in the U.S. A central nervous system depressant Rohypnol is produced in Europe and Latin America as a sleep aid, but is illegal in the U.S.
GHB and Rohypnol Effects: 1st - user feels an intoxication similar to alcohol 2nd - user starts feeling drowsy 3rd - user leads to a sleep from which the user cannot be woken (anywhere from hours) Effects: 1st - user feels an intoxication similar to alcohol 2nd - user starts feeling drowsy 3rd - user leads to a sleep from which the user cannot be woken (anywhere from hours)
GHB and Rohypnol Both have a reputation for being a date rape drug These drugs are easily slipped into someone’s drink and dissolve quickly Can be fatal when mixed with alcohol Both have a reputation for being a date rape drug These drugs are easily slipped into someone’s drink and dissolve quickly Can be fatal when mixed with alcohol