Welcome to EHC STEM Night
STEM Interview
What is STEM STEM refers to the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. However, STEM initiatives are not science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in isolation, rather STEM is the integration of courses, programs, or linked learning opportunities using an interdisciplinary approach through exploration, discovery, and problem solving.
STEM in the 21 st Century Curiosity Creativity Critical Thinking Collaboration Communication
Jobs of the 21 st Century Competition as well as collaboration Creative and innovative thinking Work effectively in a team Think outside the box and problem solve Take one step further… Expand
21 st Century Job Facts 70% of jobs require entry level math proficiency Highest level of math taken in high school is the strongest indicator of getting a BA by age 25. According to the Department of Labor, the highest paid and fastest growing jobs are STEM related. Today, for every 4 STEM jobs, there is only one qualified person STEM will solve world wide issues
STEM is Common Core Learners: Apply knowledge Collaborate with peers Build conceptual understanding Problem solve Find relevance in their learning ENGAGE: multisensory, high interest topics, curiosity
STEM Learning Integrated Curriculum Project-based learning environment Authentic learning experiences Inquiry based learning
Focus on Relevance Create inquiry Investigate and analyze Understand and learn using evidence and argument Make connections
Focus on Challenging Students Growth mindset Perseverance Problem Solving Ensuring ALL students are engaged Multiple ways of demonstrating knowledge and understanding
The Power of YET
Next Generation Science Standards
Science and Engineering Practices Asking questions (science) and defining problems (engineering) Developing and using models Planning and carrying out investigations Analyzing and interpreting data Using mathematics and computational thinking Constructing explanations (science) and designing solutions (engineering) Engaging in argument from evidence Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
STEM in Elementary Education Innovative and inspiring Young children are naturally curious Engage students as life long learners STEM is FUN!
Writing Robots
Vision for the Future Five Year Implementation Plan Year 1: Awareness and Discovery Year 2: Transitional Implementation Year 3: Full Implementation
5 Year STEM Implementation Plan
STEM in Action