What is inhaling? Breathing in vapors or gas to get high Also called “huffing”
What kind of Inhalants are there? Solvents Liquids that vaporize at room temperature Aerosols Sprays that contain propellants and solvents Nitrites Dilate blood vessels and relax muscles Adhesives Glues
What products do people use to huff? Spray paint Wood cleaner Model glue Propane Nail polish remover Acetone Gasoline
Who uses inhalants? Mostly youths Trend of inhalant abuse goes down as age goes up 2.1 million youths have huffed in their life 18% of 8 th graders, 17% 10 th graders, 14% of 12 th graders
What are the effects? Physical Effects: Nosebleeds Headaches and eye pain Kidney/liver damage Chronic fatigue Heart failure Slurred speech Severe brain and nervous system damage Sore mouth and nose Mental Effects: Depression Mental fatigue Poor coordination Irritability Personality changes
How do people die from inhalants? Asphyxiation/Suffocation Inhalant takes up too much oxygen, making it impossible to breathe Suffocation Throat is filled with vomit caused by the inhalant Fatal injury (while intoxicated) Automobile accident Doing things not humanly possible SSDS
What is SSDS? “Sudden sniffing death syndrome” The body goes under immediate cardiac arrest Can occur on any use of inhalant 55% of inhalant deaths 22% of these people had no previous history of inhalant abuse
How can you tell if someone is “huffing”? The person may: Neglect their personal appearance Lack interest in school or work Withdrawal from their family and friends Retreat from athletic activities Lose motivation Have a chemical odor on skin or clothes Possess paraphernalia
Salvia Salvia divinorum is a psychoactive mint. It is a naturally occurring hallucinogen. When smoked rivaling the potency of the synthetic hallucinogens like LSD. Depending on dosage, a user’s reaction can vary from a subtle to a full-blown psychedelic experience. Dangers are related to smoking and judgement impairment.
K2 K2 or "Spice" is a mixture of herbs and spices that is typically sprayed with a synthetic compound chemically similar to THC Neglect their personal appearance It is often marketed as incense or "fake weed.“ Teenagers have suffered severe hallucinations, seizures and death.