National Award for SEN Coordination Leadership and Management: Special and Inclusive Education September, 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

National Award for SEN Coordination Leadership and Management: Special and Inclusive Education September, 2012

 combines theory with practice;  is delivered in Roehampton;  includes school-based learning;  starts, again, in September, 2012;  takes approximately one year, part time, to complete (for an eligible new-to-post SENCO);  is accredited to provide 60 credits at Masters level (one third of a full Masters award).

Who is the training grant for? What counts as ‘New to Post SENCO’ ? How long will the training take?

- All SENCOs who have not been a SENCO for more than 12 months by 1 September Newly appointed SENCOs and all those coming new to the role from September Please note: SENCOs ‘new to post’ who meet the TDA criteria for funding have been eligible for a full TDA Training grant (with supply cover).

 Qualified teachers in accordance with The Education (School Teachers’ Qualifications) (England) Regulations 2003 who are also:  SENCOs employed in an eligible school including community, foundation and voluntary schools and maintained nursery schools in England;  new to the role of SENCO.

 All teachers who continue to be employed as a ‘New to post SENCO’ while they remain enrolled on the national SENCO training. A SENCO must:  be employed as a teacher under a permanent contract or else a fixed term contract of not less than one year in length at the time of their application for the national SENCO training and for such a period of time as they remain enrolled on the national SENCO training;  not have previously enrolled and/or completed national SENCO training. Please note: written consent of either the head teacher and/or their employer must be provided, to apply for and to enrol on the national SENCO training. This consent must continue throughout the training.

 Yes Can I do the training if I am NOT yet a SENCO? What if I have done an MA in Special Needs? Do I have to do the Training?

Yes BUT…. You may be offered an alternative route through to the SENCO award-dependent on the evidence you can provide to show you meet the SENCO Standards. What should I do to learn more about this? Arrange an appointment to meet with Dr Helen Fisher

 Yes, BUT you will not be eligible for the full TDA Training Grant. Do I have to do the Training?  If you are a ‘NEW to Post’ SENCO, YES you do. (Amended regulations came into force that require the school governing body to ensure the teacher designated as the SENCO, who is new to the role, undertakes nationally approved training).

3 Masters level Units of study  Unit 1 - High aspirations for SEN/D: a focus on policy  This provides SENCOs with the opportunity to critically explore current Government policy, reflecting upon it in relation to theory/research and also in relation to their own setting. SENCOs will be supported in competing an audit of current practice and in the identification of areas for development, including a focus for their critical, reflective, practitioner enquiry. 

 Unit 2 - High aspirations for SEN/D: a focus on classroom provision  Having identified areas for development within their current practice, SENCOs will be informed of effective provision at classroom- based level, which will support them in conducting their critical, reflective, practitioner enquiry and in enhancing provision within their own settings.

 Unit 3 – High aspirations for SEN/D: a focus on whole-school and community provision  The final unit encourages SENCOs to reflect upon themselves as strategic leaders within their schools and communities. As their critical, reflective, practitioner enquiry draws to a close, they will be encouraged to consider whole-school implementation, and the effective inclusion of multi-agencies and the wider community.

 professional context;  strategic development of SEN policy and procedures;   coordinating provision;  leading, developing and supporting colleagues;  working in partnership with pupils, families and other professionals.

 SENCo audit, enquiry rationale and literature review [50%], leading to the completion of a critical, reflective, practitioner enquiry [50%]. A portfolio of evidence, demonstrating that SENCOs have met the TDA standards, will also be completed/reviewed with the school- based mentor (see overleaf). * subject to change

 This is compulsory and should be someone in a SMT/SLT position within your setting.  Mentors are responsible for:  regularly meeting with you, to discuss the course;  initially marking your portfolio of evidence;  attending termly mentor meetings, at Roehampton.

Wednesdays, pm at Roehampton University Unit 1 Training Dates:  26 th September, 24 th October and 28 th November, 2012 Unit 2 Training Dates:  30 th January, 27 th February and 20 th March, 2013 Unit 3 Training Dates:  To be confirmed.

For SENCOs new to the role in academies, and foundation, community, voluntary and maintained nursery schools:  tuition and assessment fees: TDA funded (subject to confirmation from the TDA). For aspiring SENCOs and those in special or independent schools:  tuition and assessment non-TDA funded.

 ‘The training made me feel much more confident in my role as SENCO.’  ‘I feel empowered to support parents and staff better now.’  ‘Very well organised, friendly and realistic acknowledgement of personal study whilst working as a SENCO.’  ‘Deepened my knowledge of the role of the SENCO.’  ‘Increased confidence in my own practice.’

 ALL applications must be accompanied by a letter of verification/ approval from the SENCO’s Head teacher AND include the SENCO’s GTCE number ( teacher number).  Placement and Funding (for those who meet the TDA criteria) is contingent on this information being available from the start of the programme.

Dr Helen Fisher Please download and send HARD COPY applications to : Ms Nicola Wood Admissions Officer Erasmus House, Roehampton University Roehampton Lane, London SW15 5PJ. ALL applications must be accompanied by a letter of verification/ approval from your Head teacher AND your GTCE number( teacher number).