6 th Grade Math Mr. Gerdin
Experience Education: M.Ed Education (Loyola) BS Chemical Engineering (Wisconsin) Masters Engineering Management (Northwestern) Experience: 9 Years 6 th grade math teaching at The Joseph Sears School 15 years professional engineering experience
Great Mathematicians Newton Euler Noether Your Child ?!
Common Core Standards Math Practices outlined in CCSS Always been part of good math instruction, now will be more emphasized Calls for more depth, less content
Practices - Focus Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them Reason abstractly and quantitatively Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others Use appropriate tools strategically Attend to precision.
Placement Utilized a number of metrics Placement so that instruction is appropriate to student’s current ability and aptitude This course typically leads to an introduction to algebra in 8 th grade Historically - placement by matrix has been accurate
Placement cont. Criteria include MAP, COGAT, Unit Test Scores, SCRS, EOY Student placement re-evaluated near end of first trimester and monitored beyond Highest weight to standardized results NT has confirmed that there is NO correlation between math placement and ability to get in “best” universities
Supplies Bring to Every Class Positive Attitude/Open Mind 8-1/2” x 11” Loose Leaf Paper (Lined and Grid) Pencil w/eraser and Red Pen Calculator, Protractor & Ruler Executive Functioning Binder w/Math Folder Complete Homework and Current Notes
Homework About Minutes Expected Daily Use Daily Class Notes & Videos as Guide Notes & Videos posted on Gerdin Website Work must be SHOWN as directed Homework Plan on Website BUT student responsible for writing it down in class Homework may include text book problem sets and extensions of concepts
Student Absent Phone a friend in the class me Check website (HW Plan, notes, video) See me upon return of multiple day illness Number of days to complete = number of days absent
Example HW
Math Homework Help Students need to develop their own skills and make a concerted effort to solve problems prior to seeking help. Review Class Notes and videos Math Lunch – Rm 218 Ask Classmate(s) /Ask Parent (w/notes) Ask Teacher (in class homework review) Drop - ins Still Struggling? – Teacher Conference
Grading Homework – effort vs. accuracy Quizzes and Tests (<72% rework/retake) Problems/Colaborative Tasks Scoring/Grading Per Sears Policy No Extra Credit
TEXT Middle School Math – Course 2 (Scott Foresman/Addison-Wesley) 1 Copy to Keep at Home. Classroom set of textbooks for use in class Additional copies available for use at math lunch and homework club Other resources – MIF, Explore Learning, IXL, Connected Math, Mathalicious, etc.
Content 6 th Grade Common Core Moderate Pacing (but challenging!) Mastery of Skills Application of Concepts to Solve Problems Techniques, Strategies, Algorithms Communication Modified as appropriate
Curriculum Problem Solving Explicit Instruction – 4 Techniques Apply Techniques to Core Content Assessments – novel problems
Curriculum, Continued Integers, Coordinate Plane, Reflections, Inequalities Algebraic Formulas, Expressions, and Equations 3x – 5 = 17 D = R x T Decimals and Fractions 0.25 = ¼ 0.25 x 4 = 1
Curriculum, Continued Operations with Fractions 1/ /3 = 2 2/3 4 ÷ ½ = 8 Geometry and Measurement Area of polygons Surface Area and Volume of Prisms and Pyramids
Curriculum, Continued Ratios, Rates, and Proportions 9/12 = ¾ 300:150; 150:75 $365,000/yr = $1000/day Dimensional Analysis 5 ft/day x m/3.28ft = 1.52 m/day
Curriculum, Continued Percents 25% off $79.99 = $20 4 is 2% of 200 Graphical Data Representation –Dot and Line Plots –Histograms Statistics (Measure of Central Tendency) –Mean, median, mode
Technology Technology (calculators/spreadsheets, apps) not a substitute for knowing concepts and mastering skills. Technology will be integrated into work – especially using calculator to check work Mental Math is important and techniques are incorporated into lessons.
Class Work Record Homework Correct work/Perform work Student demonstrations Direct Instruction Colaborative Activities Learning Objective Summary Logic/Math Games Example Problems
Credits All photos courtesy of