MU Ethicbots Team Satinder Gill Penny Duquenoy Chris Huyck Steve Torrance
Disciplinary backgrounds Psychology Communication Philosophy Cognitive Science AI
Coordination and social intelligence Symbiotic systems - how technology alters our interactions and our capacities for intersubjective co-construction. (e.g. impacts on human cognition and affect.) –Coordinated autonomy –Entrainment - our capacity to shift from response to anticipation –Designing for human-centred performance –Ethical - a)may not be freely able to express myself as I would be able to otherwise - interferes with natural performance, b) deskilling of human social intelligence
Design Impact of ICT on ordinary people –Scaleability and interoperability of mulit-device coordination e.g. mobile devices (phones, PDAs, laptops) –Ethical issues - where does the awareness lie of location and flow of information? Security of information? Design: –Awareness and responsibilities of designers –Embedded values –Decisions, judgements, priorities –Multi-agent systems - decisional responsibilities (what are going to do with this practically?)
Autonomy Agency Coordinated autonomy and impacts of symbiotic systems Moral responsibility Transhuman identity
Related Domains Neural nets: –Self-learning systems - and predictability Autism Music and science Medical informatics and ethics
Dissemination IFIP WG9.2 Computers and Social Accountability SIG Ethics/Disability INSEIT: International Society for ethics and information technology British Computer Society Ethics Panel AI &Society: Journal of Human-Centred Systems (Springer) ICES - Journal of Information and Communication and Ethics in Society (Troubador)