University Senior College© ABA Mathematical Applications 2MCN Anna Bassani University Senior College
University Senior College© ABA ABSOLUTE PRIORITIES ! Registering attendance at lectures with your swipe card!!! Attention. Interest. Cooperation. Maintaining a positive learning environment. If you don’t understand ALWAYS ask for help. ALWAYS hand up your work. (something is better than nothing)
University Senior College© ABA ABSOLUTE PRIORITIES ! Punctuality Regular attendance Be on time!
University Senior College© ABA ASSESSMENT Every summative piece of work must be filed and stored at the school.
University Senior College© ABA STAGE 2 Mathematical Applications Curriculum Statement 2015 See the SACE Board Website
University Senior College© ABA
University Senior College© ABA
University Senior College© ABA The Course Four topics over the year Share Investments Statistics and Working with Data Investment and Loans Mathematics and Small Business
University Senior College© ABA Organisation Textbooks –Mathematics for Year 12 Mathematical Applications Haese Publications (Must be the 2 nd Edition) –Adelaide Tuition Centre – Essentials Publication – TEXT BOOK If no CD-Rom, replacement disks can be purchased for $5 approx. me for this. Keep the CD-Rom in a hard case – they break easily MASA – Revision Guide – will be ordered via the school Graphics calculators –I highly recommend Texas or CASIO – textbook instructions are easy to follow and only cater for the TI and CASIO. –Some will be available second hand through school, but get in quick. –You will also get the opportunity to purchase a new Texas or Casio through the school early next year. See Lisa Lanchester for ordering forms.
University Senior College© ABA Folders –Devise a system for storing all lecture and tutorial handouts. (start with this sheet) –Good organisation is critical, especially when it comes to test and exam revision. –How will you store your class/textbook exercises? Notebook or loose sheets – sort this out before we begin in Folios –All assessed work will be kept, and handed in at the end of the year for moderation. –It will consist of 6 tests and 3 investigations plus an external 2 hour examination at the end of the year. – All assessment items are set and marked by Anna. The work is moderated by an external moderation panel at the end of the year to ensure uniform standards across the state. USC Online Resource All lecture and tutorial notes will be promptly loaded onto the site.
University Senior College© ABA
Share Investments Read pages 378 to 383 of the textbook. This is background reading to get you started. We will discuss all of this in the first few lectures next year. If you don’t yet have access to the textbook, me and I will send the pages to you. Access the Australian Stock Exchange website Spend some time familiarising your-self with this. You can access the website for each company through this site. In particular follow the links…. Education and resources… courses….view all shares courses, that are very good for understanding the basic working of the ASX Start to follow financial reports in the media and the daily newspapers. You may get some ideas for your companies for the first Investigation. You will need to select 2 companies that are currently trading on the ASX. This will be part of your first Investigation early in Term 1, but that will all be explained in the first lectures of Other very useful web-sites are and
University Senior College© ABA Above all, have a great break, and come back refreshed and ready to enjoy your studies in 2015.