STEM EDUCATION FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE USING SCIENCE, TECHOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MATH Course Description: The 7th Grade STEM connections class introduces a standards-based, interdisciplinary program of study where rigorous academic modules are coupled with real-world problem solving and performance based learning that interconnect STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) related Subjects. Students will be engaged in scientific project based learning that allows them to formulate their own conclusions based on their data. Learners are expected to interact and work together as they develop knowledge of new content. All students will be afforded multiple opportunities to show and develop learning. The main goals of the course are to provide students with an understanding of our world, the importance of sustaining our world and how students can make a difference. Additionally, students will discover for themselves how their participation in STEM coursework can lead directly to exciting and rewarding careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. Materials Grading Scale Spiral Notebook Homework/Opening (Formative) 10% Pen (no pencils) Quizzes/Classwork/Engineer Notebook (Formative) 20% Additional Materials Performance Task/Participation (Formative) 20% as Needed for Projects Summative Assessment/Projects (Summative) 50% Make Up Work If students are absent, they have a week to make up work. Additionally, students will receive one day in class each quarter to make up any work that has been missed. Students may not make up participation grades. Course Expectations 1. Students will attempt all Projects 2. Students will Be Responsible, Be Respectful and Be Safe 3. Students will be introduced to The Bumbershoot of Science: the Power of Community to Raises all Ships School Wide Behavior Management Plan At East Cobb Middle School, we have three school-wide behavioral expectations: Demonstrate Respect, Demonstrate Effort and Demonstrate Pride. An explanation matric of the school wide behavioral expectations can be found in the ECMS Agenda. Syllabus is subject to change
Standards S6CS1. Students will explore the importance of curiosity, honesty, openness, and skepticism in science and will exhibit these traits in their own efforts to understand how the world works. S6CS2. Students will use standard safety practices for all classroom laboratory and field investigations. S6CS3. Students will use computation and estimation skills necessary for analyzing data and following scientific explanations. S6CS4. Students will use tools and instruments for observing, measuring, and manipulating equipment and materials in scientific activities. S6CS5. Students will use the ideas of system, model, change, and scale in exploring scientific and technological matters S6CS8. Students will investigate the characteristics of scientific knowledge and how it is achieved. S6CS9. Students will investigate the features of the process of scientific inquiry ENGR-FET4 – Students will apply mathematics and science to the solution of a technological problem ENGR-FET5 – Students will describe the essential systems and processes involved with invention, innovation, and entrepreneurship. ENGR-FET6 – Students will use visual and verbal communication to express basic design elements. ENGR-STEM3 – Students will design technological problem solutions using scientific investigation, analysis and interpretation of data, innovation, invention, and fabrication while considering economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability constraints. ENGR-STEM4 – Students will apply principles of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, interpersonal communication, and teamwork to the solution of technological problems Barbara Quarles East Cobb Middle School 380 Holt Road Marietta, GA (770) , Ext. 404 Blog: Please Sign and Return this Slip to Ms. Quarles. We have Read and Discussed the STEM Syllabus. We are Aware of the Required Materials, Grading Policies, Classroom Expectations and the School Wide Behavior Management Plan. Student’s Signature: __________________________________________________________________ Parent’s Signature: ___________________________________________________________________ Parent’s Address: _______________________________________________________________ Parent’s Number: ___________________________________________________________________